Podcast: Play in new window | Download In studio with us this episode is Mr. Bill M. (www.devilsmischief.com) and we’ll be talking about the ninth studio album from Black Sabbath, known as Heaven and Hell. Discussion includes album production and charting, replacing a classic singer, the cover art, and the standout tracks. Of course, you’ll also want to stick around for conversations on the revival of heavy metal in the early-1980s, the Great Ozzy vs. Dio Debate, rainbows and look-outs, that “devil horns” hand gesture and more. Show theme and additional music provided by Gyps Fulvus (www.gypsfulvus.net). Vintage Vinyl Vivisection […]
magister bill m.
The Devil’s Mischief #612 – Oh, Those Catholics! Catholics and their cover-ups are in the news again. So enjoy a full episode of Catholic-bashing comedy at their expense! Comedy from RICHARD JENI, BILL HICKS and DARA O BRIAIN, along with prank calls from BUBBA THE LOVE SPONGE, novelty from JOHN VALBY and NED & MANSON, and more! Listen now on Radio Free Satan! http://www.radiofreesatan.com/tdm612/ Subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast app via RSS
RADIO FREE SATAN CELEBRATES 18 YEARS! Founded at the turn of the millennium in 2000, Radio Free Satan established itself as one of the earliest online radio networks in the world, and the first with shows from a Satanic perspective. RFS’s DJ roster was composed of several members of the Church of Satan, each one bringing to the network their own tastes and interests with weekly broadcasts. Over the many years RFS experimented with a broader roster, with hosts and managers coming and going. In 2016, Reverend Gene took over as Owner and Program Director of Radio Free Satan, with the […]
In this informative video, Magister Bill M. (host of “The Devil’s Mischief” on Radio Free Satan) explores the earliest music associated with Frankenstein, ranging from the first stage adaptations of the story to the first Frankenstein film. The video concludes with a rendition from a 1887 comedy musical, “Frankenstein, or the Vampire’s Victim”.
Fine, Let’s Play the Dictionary Game Magister Bill M. responds to the common argument that dictionaries define the religion of Satanism. One of the most tiresome forms of this argument is the dictionary game. This is when somebody tries to argue, “I just looked up ‘satanism’ in the dictionary. And it defines it as ‘innate wickedness’ or “obsession with or affinity for evil; specifically: worship of Satan marked by the travesty of Christian rites.’ So, you’re wrong about what Satanism is!” Before explaining why this argument is a fallacious one, it’s worth noting that Satanists aren’t the only people who […]
Devil’s Mischief #602 (Comedy Podcast) Time for a new year of comedy with tracks from the hilarious RICH VOS, finally making his Devil’s Mischief debut! Also EMO PHILIPS, blasphemy from THE KIDS IN THE HALL, and the novelty of PSYCHOSTICK. Listen now on Radio Free Satan! Subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher Radio, RSS
THE DEVIL’S MISCHIEF #600 You know what’s amazing about a number ending in ‘00’? Nothing! So this is being treated as just another episode of history’s longest-running Satanic podcast, this time with an hour of rare, unreleased comedy from STEVEN WRIGHT and DAVID CROSS, plus DENIS LEARY with word on his new book “Why We DON’T Suck (And How All of Us Need to Stop Being Such Partisan Little Bitches)”. Listen now on Radio Free Satan! Subscribe via iTunes Stream and subscribe on Stitcher Radio
DER RABE Der offizielle Aussenposten der Church of Satan für den deutschsprachigen Raum ist stets bemüht, die Schriften und Essays unserer Mitglieder vom Englischen ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. In den unten stehenden Links finden Sie die neusten Essays verschiedener Mitglieder. Unter anderem lesen Sie die Essay von Magus Peter H. Gilmore „Nein, wir haben keinen Okkultismus“ und Magistra Peggy Nadramia „Über die Rolle des Rituals im Leben eines Satanisten“. Auch lassen wir Magister Bill M. und Reverend M. Mandrake zu Wort kommen und lesen gespannt die Definition über Satanismus und Warum eine „Gratis“-Satanische Bibel unsatanisch ist. Magus Peter H. Gilmore […]
The Devil’s Mischief #594 Jerry Lewis Tribute The Devil’s Mischief presents a special tribute to the late JERRY LEWIS, featuring classic prank calls from Lewis himself, selections from his overlooked 1980s comedy “CRACKING UP”, Jerry with GROUCHO MARX, plus the old-time MARTIN & LEWIS radio show with an appearance by Marilyn Monroe! Listen now on Radio Free Satan!http://www.radiofreesatan.com/tdm594/