DER RABE Der offizielle Aussenposten der Church of Satan für den deutschsprachigen Raum ist stets bemüht, die Schriften und Essays unserer Mitglieder vom Englischen ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. In den unten stehenden Links finden Sie die neusten Essays verschiedener Mitglieder. Unter anderem lesen Sie die Essay von Magus Peter H. Gilmore „Nein, wir haben keinen Okkultismus“ und Magistra Peggy Nadramia „Über die Rolle des Rituals im Leben eines Satanisten“. Auch lassen wir Magister Bill M. und Reverend M. Mandrake zu Wort kommen und lesen gespannt die Definition über Satanismus und Warum eine „Gratis“-Satanische Bibel unsatanisch ist. Magus Peter H. Gilmore […]
magister bill m.
The Devil’s Mischief #594 Jerry Lewis Tribute The Devil’s Mischief presents a special tribute to the late JERRY LEWIS, featuring classic prank calls from Lewis himself, selections from his overlooked 1980s comedy “CRACKING UP”, Jerry with GROUCHO MARX, plus the old-time MARTIN & LEWIS radio show with an appearance by Marilyn Monroe! Listen now on Radio Free Satan!
CELEBRATING SOUTH PARK: The Devil’s Mischief #592 Join Bill in celebrating 20 years of SOUTH PARK! Hear selected excerpts spanning the series, songs from the 1999 film, and Bill’s narrated adaptation of the classic South Park episode “Damien”. Also a special 30th anniversary of something else. But what? Listen to find out! Download
TROLLING WITH LOGIC #39: SATANISM WITH MAGISTER BILL M. TWL is a bi-weekly, international skeptical podcast. Trolling with Logic Originally started as collaboration videos on YouTube and since then, has evolved into a podcast on skeptical issues both in STEM and wider issues. This episode examines Satanism in a conversation with Magister Bill M. of the Church of Satan.
Radio Free Satan: The Devil’s Mischief #583 It’s that time of the year again for an annual ANTI-VALENTINE’S DAY special. Hear comedy and novelty all focused on ridiculing that most sacred of all ideas, love. Selections from DAVID CROSS, classic comedy from DANNY KAYE, and the not-so-romantic music of STEPHEN LYNCH and BRET BURNS.
Highlighting the Hidden speaks with Magister Bill M. Harvard University recently invited Church of Satan Magister Bill M. to speak about Satanism and the Church of Satan on “Highlighting the Hidden”, a cultural segment on WHRB 95.3 FM radio’s program “As We Know It”. The show airs Sunday, January 29th at 12:30pm. Listeners can hear the show on the station’s live stream, available on A recording of the show should also be available later on the same site.
RFS: THE DEVIL’S MISCHIEF PRESENTS THE BEST OF BLASPHEMY #18! Hear the all new, long-awaited BEST OF BLASPHEMY SPECIAL, a compilation of pure religion-bashing comedy from past episodes of The Devil’s Mischief! Get ready for an hour featuring LEWIS BLACK, MARIA BAMFORD, DENIS LEARY, SARAH SILVERMAN, and so much more.
Radio Free Satan: The Devil’s Mischief #575 If you want to hear about politics, go somewhere else! Otherwise, hear an intentionally politics-free episode with SAM KINISON and a blasphemous celebration of the Netflix re-release of his “Breaking the Rules” special. Also a horror story of facing juggalos from JOE DE ROSA, plus the tasteless novelty tunes of SARAH SILVERMAN.