Church of Satan Links
Here is your passageway to other members of the Church of Satan on the World Wide Web.
If you come across a site claiming or implying some connection to the Church of Satan, or endorsement by the Church of Satan, yet they are not linked via this site, then you, gentle browser, are being had. Caveat Emptor!
Foreign Language Sites by Members of the Church of Satan.
- Der Rabe (German)
- L’Église de Satan (French)
- Des Duivelsche Notities (Dutch)
- Stephen Kasner
- Coffinrust
- Mortimer Dempsey
- V.Holecek—Schamballah
- Jason Leach
- Christopher Lee
- Markus Mayer
- Michael K. Silva
- Valentin Schwarz
- Lestat Ventrue
- Zamo the Destroyer
- Black Fire League
- Chris McCarter—IKON
- Darren Deicide
- Der Torso
- Malform
- Mantus
- Matt Barnett Music
- Michael Moynihan (Blood Axis)
- The Quintessentials
- Sutekh Productions
- Tenebraeology: Studies in Heretical Surrealism
- The Invisible War
- Thomas Thorn (Electric Hellfire Club)
- David Vincent (Genitorturers)
- Berenice Records
- Treesma Corporation
- Zogthorgven
- Carl Abrahamsson
- Aleuranthropy
- Between The Horns
- Bloodfire
- Christian Grant
- Citizen Prometheus
- Corna and Quill - Devilishly inspired. Diabolically crafted.
- The World of Shiva Rodriguez
- Des Duivels.Info - Duidelijke informatie over satanisme in het Nederlands Clear information on Satanism in Dutch
- Jeff Ivins—Au Naturel Productions- A Naturist Powered web hosting company catering to Nudists and Satanists alike.
- Michael Enriquez / Abyssus
- Hydra M. Star
- James M. Geary III
- Torben Knudsen—Dark Rose - (for adults only!)
- Magister Nemo's Satanic Offerings
- The Modern Satanic Man
- Noel—The Black Collar Manifesto
- Rory Z—UK Stage Hypnotist/Trainer - (for adults only!)
- Sándor Szigeti—SCYTHE: Hungarian Language Site
- Twisted Jenius
- Vexen Crabtree
- WESSELMANIA! - (for adults only!)
- G.R. Wilson
- World’s End Tattooing/Piercing
- Satanist D.A. - Walk on the Third Side
- Feral House Publishing
- Purging Talon Publishing
- Scapegoat Publishing
- Underworld Amusements
- Old Nick Magazine - (Adults Only!)
- HORNS Magazine - (Adults Only!)
presented by members of the Church of Satan
NOTE: All message boards are the lairs of the individuals presenting them—not the Church of Satan itself. You must obey the “House Rules” of each board, and your participation is at the discretion of the owners of each board—it is a privilege, not a right.
Members of the Church of Satan may be asked to present scans of their membership cards for entry into “members only” sections.
Participation on message boards is NOT required of our members—these are services offered through the good will of those creating and maintaining them. Participants are expected to maintain our basic rule of behaving like civilized ladies and gentlemen.
NOTE: These podcasts are produced by members of the Church of Satan who speak solely for themselves in them. Discussions explore topics and ideas of interest to the people involved and do not represent official Church of Satan policies and positions. Our philosophy promotes individualism, so a wide variety of thinking is to be expected.

If you would like your business represented here, please send an email to [email protected] with your full name, for membership verification, your companies logo or web banner, URL, and positioning statement.
We will, upon verification of membership, add your link at our earliest convenience.
If you had a link here, and it is no longer represented, it is due to either a dead link or membership issue.

We Are Legion

A Moment In Time
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