Since its founding, there have been no shortage of interview requests from the hierarchy of the Church of Satan. Not every interviewer took the subject matter seriously, but more than any other organization, the Church of Satan's message has never changed. Here you will find a collection of interviews from the Church of Satan's history, enjoy.
- Peter H. Gilmore's Interviews
- Anton Szandor LaVey's Interviews
- Other Satanist's Interviews
- Full Disclosure Interviews
- An Aesthetically Focused Interview with High Priest H. Gilmore conducted by Jason Roberts
- Satanist Bares Soul: This is an article based on a lecture Magus Peter H. Gilmore gave at Mt. St. Vincent College in Riverdale.
- Leader: Satanism Not Devil Worship: Star-Gazette 1990
- Three different views on Harry Potter: SUkiah Daily Journal 10 December 2001
- Qns. Satanist Catches Hell: Daily News 12 January 2005
- Satan Worshiper Shunned: Newsday Suffolk Edition 13 January 2005
- Revelation! 666 is not the number of the beast (it’s a devilish 616): The Independent 1 May 2005
- There’s little fire and brimstone for 6/6/06: The Philadelphia Inquirer 6 January 2006
- Jumping on Beelzebub’s Bandwagon: The Los Angeles Times 24 April 2006
- Family: ‘Demon’ not the Donald Malone they know: The Marion Star 16 July 2006
- Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself: The Hamilton Spectator 31 March 2007
- RE: Andrew Culver, 2007: Omaha World-Herald 16 December 2007 & The Roanoke Times 16 December 2007
- Devils Diary XVIII Magus Gilmore Interview: Devils Diary December 30, 2011
- Dad Oks Execution if Miranda Guilty: The Daily Item 20 February 2014
- ‘Tea Party Satanist’ Bristles Over Temple’s Left-Leaning Ways : Detroit Free Press 15 September 2014
- Church of Satan Exhibit Looks at Demons, Dracula, etc.: News-Press 4 December 2015
- OCCULT AMERICA by John Godwin /1972 /Doubleday & Company, Inc. Chapter XII—Satan in the Suburbs, pages 241 - 249 (section concerning Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan)
- EVERTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SORCERY, BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK by Arlene J. Fitzgerald / 1973 / Manor Books Pages 41 - 45 (section concerning Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan)
- Monologue from Jack Fritscher’s Popular Witchcraft / Anton LaVey 1973
- ARGOSY: The Satanist Who Wants To Rule The World / June 1975 / by Dick Russell
- The Washington Post Magazine / February 23, 1986 / “Anton LaVey America’s Satanic Master of Devils, Magic, Music, and Madness” by Walt Harrington
- The Birth of Tragedy No. 4 “The God Issue” / November ’86 - January ’87 / “Anton LaVey / The Church of Satan Interview” by Eugene Robinson
- High Society / August ’94 / “Dinner With The Devil” by Bob Johnson
- MF Magazine #3 / “The Doctor Is In...” by Shane and Amy Bugbee
- Blanche Barton: The Devil on To The Best of Our Knowledge Program 03-07-20-A from Wisconsin Public Radio. SEGMENT 1: Blanche Barton is the former High Priestess of the Church of Satan. She tells Steve Paulson that Satanists are outsiders who do not worship Satan. She says their philosophy, articulated by Anton LaVey in The Satanic Bible, contains a smile and a wink. Also, operatic bass Samuel Ramey has a new CD called “A Date with the Devil.” He tells Anne Strainchamps about his various devil roles and why he likes singing them. Ramey says he’s a nice guy off stage, but we hear lots of examples of him being mean and evil while in character.
- Sex and the Devil: Satan Really Wants You / October ’98 / by Rick Hall (An edited version appeared in SCREW, number 1,548, November 2, 1998)
Being frequently interviewed I generally insist on doing so via email so that my words are not summarized inaccurately or misquoted. Articles today are typically quite brief, so few lines of what I’ve written end up in the final published pieces, though some are refreshingly in-depth and include a majority, or rarely the entirety, of my reply. I thought it would be of interest to our readers to have my complete responses to the various questions which can remain in our archive for future reference. Welcome to “Full Disclosure”!
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore
- The Snowman is Diabolical Hit
Article written by Marc Horne and published on 30 November 2014 via The Sunday Times - The Church of Satan, and the paradox of individualist religion
Blog written by Greg Stevens and published on 11 August 2014 via Greg Stevens - Anton LaVey; His Life and Legacy
Article written for Rue Morgue Issue 176; May/June 2017
- Not Talking to the Reverend Joel Ethan about the Church of Satan
An interview conducted by Vice in 2016 that was never published about the Church of Satan and Satanism.
Reverend J. Mammon

This is a list of essays and articles that hold a connection to Satanism. There is no way we can collect every article out there and list them here for you. However, if you see something on the web or in your travels that you believe would be of benefit to other Satanists or the Church of Satan, contact administration via email at [email protected] with the link or reference, and the article or scanned document for reference. If we believe it would be of value we will add it to this list at our earliest convenience.

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