Support the Church of Satan


Support the Church of Satan

Give the devil his due.— Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra


Members and non-members who enjoy what we do to represent the world’s first carnal religion through our official web site may offer support by making donations. This may be done most directly by using PayPal. Simply note in the memo field that the money you send is a donation towards our efforts. Positive reinforcement in action! Please note that donations to us are not tax deductible.

We also accept crypto

SOL: 9dE8CHJ778WzdRrQkXgPdB3mc1nahTMxq1oJcFLD1RMx
ETH: 0x027124Aa627Ba33F00c133d19437FC9d9C236052
BTC: bc1ptwuh2nxacv8j77qthlnnlgquu7ycydjf9gupwlq7dghg24padptqmvvpag

The Administration

Magus Anton Szandor LaVey, Founder

Magus Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest

Magistra Peggy Nadramia, High Priestess

Magistra Blanche Barton, Magistra Templi Rex

LaVey Sigil

We Are Legion

LaVey Sigil

A Moment In Time

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LaVey Sigil