Theory / Practice: Peter H. Gilmore
Peter H. Gilmore wrote The Satanic Scriptures, a companion volume to The Satanic Bible. He is the High Priest of the Church of Satan. He has conducted countless interviews explaining and at times defending Satanism, and is a true expert in the Satanic philosophy. Here are a number of his essays.
- The Altars of Satanic Cinema
- Satanism: The Feared Religon
- Pretenders to the Throne
- A Map for the Misdirected
- The Myth of the “Satanic Community” and other Virtual Delusions
- The Anton Szandor LaVey: A Biographical Sketch
- Apple Computer and the Church of Satan
- “State of the Church”—October XXXVI A.S.
- NECRONOMICON: Some Facts About A Fiction
- Founding Family: “Morality” versus Same-Sex Marriage
- “A Clockwork Messiah”
- Rebels Without Cause
- Esprit de Corps Infernal
- Throw Another Book on the Barbie?
- The God Behind The Curtain
- What, The Devil?
- The Murderous Madness of Theism
- On Honor, Integrity, Survival and Satisfaction
- Godzilla
- Let's you and Him Fight
- Mirror, Mirror
- Laughing Best—Humorists Take On Satanism
- Mask Slippage—Does Faith Entitle a Right to Discriminate?
- Dilute Diabolism: On the Rise of “neo-satanism”
- There Goes the Neighborhood
- Regarding The Black House and Its Successors
- In Memoriam Reverend André Peter Schlesinger (1962-2016)
- Which Witch?
- Pervasive Pantywaistism
- Yes, We Have No Occultism
- Regarding Herbert A. Sloane and his affiliation with the Church of Satan
- When Words Collide
- Self-Realization—The Essence of Satanism
- The Isle of the Disgruntled
- The Rite Stuff: Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Rituals
- Bang Your Gong! A Guide to the Use of Gongs in Satanic Ritual
- Ragnar Redbeard Revealed
- Devil Take the Foremost: My 50 Years Advocating Satanism
- The Fascism Question


Peter H. Gilmore
High Priest of the Church of Satan

We Are Legion

A Moment In Time

Hail Anton Szandor LaVey!

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