In Search of… Training by Warlock Tengu an article for The Black Flame—July, LI A.S. There is an endless sea of martial arts styles from around the world. Each style, or system was designed for either self-protection from would be invaders, the preservation of an ancestral tradition or for the development of warriors used to conquer other regions via force. Some systems began as one type and evolved towards cultural preservation as warring periods subsided. There are general aspects to look for when searching for a martial art to indulge oneself in. A tremendous amount of time and effort can […]
Warlock Tengu
2 posts
Self-protection: Awareness by Warlock Tengu an article for The Black Flame—November, L A.S. Self-protection from a satanic viewpoint includes ideas that are integral to our tenets. Certainly our pragmatism supersedes false bravado or heroism where our life may be in danger. Pretentiousness and self-deceit can be deadly when facing a dangerous situation. Survival is our top priority and should be the driving force when confronting violent criminals. We are realists. Even a trained individual must consider whether their actions are appropriate or may hinder the best possible outcome. If forced into a situation where there is no other option, one […]