
3 posts

“BEYOND PROMETHEUS”, Alien Film Treatment by Magus Peter H. Gilmore

In honor of Alien Day we present Magus Peter H. Gilmore’s film treatment for the Alien/Prometheus franchise, first published in 2018. “I quite enjoyed the possibilities offered by Ridley Scott’s ALIEN prequel which set my mind in motion with thoughts for where things could go to eventually bring us around to the opening of the original film. I read one of the early drafts for the finished film, which purposely left much open to speculation. I’ve offered possible answers. Scott had mentioned in interviews that in addition to doing a sequel to BLADE RUNNER that he thought of his ALIEN […]

Illustration: Prometheus Brings Fire to Mankind by Friedrich Heinrich Füger

To a Prosperous, Healthy New Year!

Tomorrow begins year LVI, Anno Satanas. This past year has been one of distress, a “sturm und drang” roller-coaster ride abetted by a global pandemic that caused numerous deaths and the collapse of many enterprises, reminding us of the fragility of the societies we’ve crafted. Many take social constructs for bedrock, but certain events prove them to be but gossamer configurations, torn asunder with a swiftness that alarms the naive, confirming the fundamental cynicism of those of us who carefully observe our history. There is a leaden inertia to the social order. Humans strive for instant gratification, resisting preparations for […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Prometheus is proud to share this update of his unconventional little side-project Der Torso (German Underground Rap infused with a decent dose of Death Metal) which has led to the release of the brand-new single Phantomschmerz that is available for digital download. Der Torso präsentiert seine neue Single Phantomschmerz und setzt mit seiner ungewöhnlichen Verschmelzung von deutschem Underground-Rap,Death Metal und Retro-Videospielsounds neue Maßstäbe.