
2 posts

Daddy Baphy Appearances Update

Upcoming DaddyBaphy Appearances Updated!

Something wicked this way comes, from the depths of pit. DaddyBaphy walks among the living on this mortal realm with appearances from the east coast to the west coast! The year continues to take shape and he is looking forward to swing the adamantium gates of Hell wide open as he comes forth with demons named and unnamed! Along the way he will be appearing at the DollsKill store front grand opening in Miami, FL from 11am-8pm on 3/8. There are also visits to Dark Force Festival in New Jersey, San Francisco, Sin City itself Las Vegas. Additionally, October looms […]

DaddyBaphy 2025 U.S. Appearances

Upcoming DaddyBaphy Appearances

Something wicked this way comes! From regions beyond of the demons, both known and unknown, DaddyBaphy arrives this Spring and Summer in multiple appearances throughout the United States. Appearing in May at Dark Force Fest in Parsipanny, NJ, this multiday event is part music festival part convention. Baphy will be wandering the hallways and corridors adding to the already massive spectacle that celebrates all things of the underbelly of gothic and underground. Elsewhere, Baphy will be appearing in San Francisco and Las Vegas in early June. Available for photographers, music videos, public appearances, and certainly open to any other collaborations […]