
3 posts

Draconis Blackthorne presents: Shadow Gallery Calendar LX


“You travel along Route 666, where many strange & wonderful things can be seen once your eyes accustom to the darkness herein. The Devil’s pikestaff road sign emerges up from Hell, directing you to your next destination throughout the Four corners of The Black Earth. Make your choice. Fantasy & reality are blurred in these shadowy dimensions, where the nightmares of your mind project onto reality, creating a world of invigorating terror! No turning back!” —Reverend Draconis Blackthorne Features Satanic Serenades, Shadow Gallery, Full & Black Moons, Eclipses, Nefarious Nativities, Diabolical Dates. “If one can pull aside the curtain of […]

The Devil's Mischief: Halloween 2020

The Devil’s Mischief #644: Halloween Special

The Devil’s Mischief #644 Hop in the time machine with Bill M. for a 1970s HALLOWEEN NOVELTY special! The Devil’s Mischief turns focus from comedy to novelty with a unique selection of 13 Halloween-fitting songs from the 1970s, plus vintage TV commercials, horror movie trailers, and more!  Did the decade have its own sub-genre of Halloween rock?  Listen and decide! Stream The Devil’s Mischief #644. Download The Devil’s Mischief #644.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

THE GENTLEMAN DOWNSTAIRS AND OTHER SATANIC PARABLES AND FABLES These parables and fables embody wicked insights found in literature by Anton LaVey and Peter Gilmore from the Church of Satan. Like Gilmore did in his The Satanic Scriptures, I’m using the word “parables” as an intentionally theatrical oxymoron. Parables have been so tied to Christian teachings that I wanted to try and decouple the two; since at its root, a parable is simply a short allegorical story. I included fables because many of the characters in the pieces are animals or inanimate objects. The first part of the site’s title […]