
33 posts

Old-Time Whiskey Punch

High Priestess Nadramia and Magister Netherworld ( craft magical potions for your pleasure. They continue a practice begun by Dr. LaVey in the chapter “E.S.P.: Extra Sensual Projection” from his book The Satanic Witch. Satanists enjoy well-chosen and wisely moderated indulgences, so follow the Cocktail Vultures motto: “Always drink responsibly; always drink well.” Cheers! To life!

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Happy Birthday Magus Gilmore!

Please join us in celebrating Magus Gilmore’s highest holiday today, as we appreciate the man who has been guiding the Church of Satan as our High Priest for 13 years. His efforts to communicate the principles of our philosophy worldwide have fostered an ever-growing respect for Satanism amongst those with intelligence and a secular turn of mind. If you have not read his book, The Satanic Scriptures, now is a fine time to explore the essays and rituals contained therein (available in seven languages). A selection of his topical writings can be found here. You might also enjoy some of […]

Magister Nemo: The Seventh Tower of Satan

Doing Greater Satanic MagicIn the Privacy of Your Own Mind NEMO ON SATANISM (Part 2) An mp3 recorded audio program For many years Satanists have asked how to perform ritual magic when they lacked a suitable place with sufficient privacy to do so effectively. The purpose of this program is to enable you to merely close your eyes and in the privacy of your own mind enter into a private location of your own creation where you can do everything you could do in a physical ritual chamber and actually much, much more.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet


Witch Tania and Priestess Palmer’s Helle Magazine is back and better than ever, providing a balance of insightful and jovial inquiries into Satanism in the real world. Visit New pieces include Witch Tania’s fascinating look at the health and fitness approaches of various Satanists from around the world and their paths and motivations in striving for vitality. Featuring Magister David M. Harris, Reverend Adam P. Campbell and more. An interview with Church of Satan Witch Zaftig, discussing her in-depth studies into Satanism. Magistra Waytz dives into the ‘Natatorium’ to answer Helle’s Deep End and Shallow End questions. Enjoy, indulge and we’ll […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet


Historically, black masses have served to give the oppressed a feeling of power (however false that might be) by mocking the reigning religious institution. The Satanic Mass by H.T.F. Rhodes covers the topic quite well. Accounts in decadent literature as well as in court documents recording confessions extracted under torture chronicle a pageant of vile acts meant to denigrate Christianity, and practically they tended to debase those performing them. Unless one’s personal fetishes involve sipping excretions and bestiality, as well as the mutilation of aborted fetuses and using consecrated wafers for sexual arousal, most modern rational folk would not be inclined towards […]