Billy Burgess

1 post

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

DRUID UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL PRESENTS:WEIRDO CINEMA A-GO-GO Every Sunday in August & September8 – 11pm FACEBOOK EVENT: The best of low-brow Americana: deep VHS cuts and 16mm transfers, Coney Island monsters, cannibalistic caterers, reefer madness, teenage Satanists, and so much more… During and after each screening, DJs Drew Redmond and special guests spin vintage records: rockabilly, rhythm and blues, soul, exotica, and whacked out instrumentals before and after the screenings. THIS SUNDAY AUGUST 7: SATANIC PANIC A mid-80’s to early-90’s American media sensation: the rise of Satanism, ritual murder, and teenagers brainwashed by heavy metal music. This lively program of […]