Underworld Amusements proudly presents two posters from two of their published authors, Benjamin DeCasseres and Ragnar Redbeard, approaching American Liberty at two different angles. ORDER NOW Benjamin DeCasseres personifies America in an unironic celebration of the history of the nation titled “I Am the United States.” DeCasseres was a thorough-going anti-German, and this poster, originally released by the National Republic magazine in the 1940s, was his drum-beat to go to war against the totalitarian states abroad. Our new edition was scanned from the original and colorized. The second approach to Liberty, by “Might is Right” author Ragnar Redbeard, advocates not war […]
Benjamin DeCasseres
In 1936 Benjamin DeCasseres took it upon himself to try to publish as much of his own work as he could. He paid for the printing himself through “Blackstone Publishers.” In the following three years he published 23 booklets resulting in over 1,200 pages of material. These booklets were bound into three volumes and released as The Works of Benjamin DeCasseres in a limited edition. This trilogy is being released as three issues of the Stand Alone journal project. This is a facsimile edition, with continuous folios and tables of contents added. Available from: Underworld Amusements Volume One 1. Exhibitionism: A New Theory of Evolution (1936) 2. The […]
Celebrating the 300th birthday of his relative Benedict Spinoza (1632 – 1677) saw Benjamin DeCasseres release two volumes about the man and his work. The first was Spinoza: Liberator of God and Man in 1933, and the second was Spinoza Against the Rabbis in 1937. This new edition combines them both for the first time, newly typeset and designed. DeCasseres brings to the light in this book hitherto unknown aspects of the doctrines of Spinoza: his liberation of God from the shackles of anthropomorphism, his glorification of the Will-to-Power, and his divinization of the Ego of the individual man. In the […]
From Union of Egoists: The only book written by Adele Mary “Bio” Terrill DeCasseres, wife of Benjamin DeCasseres. Bio was the granddaughter of Stephen Mack Jr. (a fur trader known as “the first white settler in Illinois”) and an Indian Princess named Hononegah. Benjamin DeCasseres, in his introduction, says that “the literal doctrine of the virginal birth is a defamation of woman. It is a defamation of life. It is a defamation of sex-love. It is a blasphemy against Nature. It is a doctrinal crime against normal biological processes… It shames sanity and the flesh. It excommunicates Desire, the mother […]
Benjamin DeCasseres on the Strict Taxation of All Churches (1933) The archivists at the Union of Egoists have unearthed some occult wisdom from Benjamin DeCasseres, also known as the “Imp of 5th Avenue”. Originally published in The Clarion, DeCasseres attacks both the church and state, establishing a bombastic precursor to LaVey’s second point of his Pentagonal Revision program. In her old withered bosom the Church nurses one dear thought—the hope of some day, when we are all quite down and out, reviving the glories of her youth, of again making the State her pimp. And what a pimp this Sugar-Daddy would be if she […]
UNION OF EGOISTS Introducing the Union of Egoists, a biographical, historical, bibliographic and inspirational resource for autodidacts and vagabonds alike. A project initiated by Trevor Blake (Confessions of a Failed Egoist & Max Stirner Bibliography) and Kevin I. Slaughter (A Bible Not Borrowed from the Neighbors: Essays and Aphorisms on Egoism). The first Egoist Max Stirner, Egoist Feminist Dora Marsden, defacto Satanist Benjamin DeCasseres, Social Darwinist Ragnar Redbeard and soap-box Superman Malfew Seklew are a few of the members of this Union of Egoists. Blake has described Egoism as being the claim that the individual is the measure of all things. In ethics, in epistemology, in aesthetics, in society, the […]
Power—Nihilism: A Critique of Moral Realismsby James Theodore Stillwell, III This book will not be of use to those whose self-interest or power-interest is served by blind faith, and allegiance to a moral creed, dogma or ideology. To the “herd like believers” of mere humanity skepticism is an anathema! I will not waste time on this type. But to the I-Theists and Beyond Men of the present and those yet to come it is undefiled wisdom and the gate way to liberation. It is to the courageous “Superman” that I write. … I am skeptical of claims to moral knowledge […]