I have written essays on both the first and tenth anniversaries of the 9/11 tragedy. You can read both by clicking this link. On this 20th anniversary of what I still consider to be a prime example of the murderous madness of theism, I note without surprise that, over these two ensuing decades, ongoing acts of terror—of lesser scope and scale—have been perpetrated for a panoply of motivations. Terrorism, as opposed to the more formal aggression of declared and fought wars, is specifically directed at people simply going about their lives, whose sacrifices have done little to raise anyone’s consciousness […]
9/11 attacks
We grow ever closer to the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks which shook many Americans from their complacency. How quickly was vanquished the hubris that our nation was invulnerable to mass murders committed by those claiming religious grounds for exterminating others whom they considered to be the enemies of their faith and political ambitions. In the ensuing years, we’ve seen similar horrendous deeds around the globe, perpetrated by those who find their prejudices and fanaticism sufficient cause to terminate the lives of individuals with whom they’ve not had any contact—people essentially unknown to them who are sacrifices on the […]
9/11—Legacy of Terror Once again I take this occasion to ponder theism-inspired atrocities that abound in our world. Since last year, people in Western nations have been shocked in particular by the shootings at Pulse—the gay nightclub in Orlando—as well as the incident in Nice wherein a truck was used to crush numerous people celebrating Bastille Day. There are profuse analogous lunatic incidents in other nations wherein lives are extinguished. While other factors are involved in such terrorist acts, the values and concepts arising from obeisance to deities are primary sources for the thoughts and conflicted feelings of those whose […]
9/11 — Marking Theist Infamy This anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon by Islamic extremists fourteen years ago is a proper occasion for fellow rational, secular individuals to note the ongoing intolerance in the name of theism manifested this past year. Here are but a few amongst myriad atrocities. In January of 2015, the Paris office of the satirical atheist magazine, Charlie Hebdo, was attacked by two gunmen, killing twelve. 134 college students were massacred in Kenya by Shabbab militants in April. In Tunisia, over 20 tourists were slaughtered at The Bardo National Museum […]