Satanic Story Time presents episode 19 – Chandu the Magician in “The Brotherhood of the Blood Oath”. The year is 1949 and children and adults impatiently wait on the edge of their chairs for the radio airing of Chandu the Magician. Chandu the Magician was a weekly old time radio show whose main character was Frank Chandler, a peculiar magician who travels from place to place looking “to go forth with his youth and strength to conquer the evil that threatens mankind.” Chandu the Magician aired from 1932 to 1936 under the writing of Harry A. Earnshaw before disappearing from the radio waves for twelve years. It reappeared from 1948 through 1950 with new voice actors and actresses under the writing of Vera Oldham. Chandu the Magician goes down in radio history as one of the longest running old time radio pilots ever aired. The show was interesting, dramatic, intriguing, and had some hints of violence and romance. “By the power of the three times three, I will look into the secret room of the El Yamindan at this moment!” And stick around to hear my third side perspective of “The Brotherhood of the Blood Oath”!