It seems that Mary’s Gourmet Diner in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, gives a 15% discount when patrons publicly pray over their meals. One wonders whether prayer to various deities might get one a different level of discount, if those running the joint support the American pluralistic approach? How would summoning Cthulhu to usher in an age of madness over the calamari rate? Would an homage to Godzilla, King of The Monsters (a god to some), get one a kaiju-sized price drop? Or might deities deemed to be “lesser gods” by the proprietors get freebies rather than a blanket percentage taken off? An invocation to the Prince of Darkness might be rewarded with a large slice of devil’s food cake a la mode, perhaps?
Privately owned establishments are certainly free to take whatever means they choose to draw attention and clients, but ponder on whether an atheist-run eatery that tossed-out customers if they decided to demonstrably pray, possibly disturbing others dining, might not be taken with the humor that this seems to be generating.
Certainly a Satanic establishment could grant some price relief if a hearty “Hail Satan!” were shouted during the consumption of devilish delicacies, but I tend to think that diabolical diners who enjoy indulgence to the fullest might be more interested in a round of gratis after-dinner drinks along with some indulgent desserts for the table.
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore