Church of Satan News

3444 posts


Welcome to the official Church of Satan News Feed. This news feed contains important announcements and links concerning the Church of Satan and its membership worldwide.



Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Anton Szandor LaVey Sigil – Now available at ASP Apparel! Introducing an exclusive range of products adorned with the official Anton Szandor LaVey Lightning Bolt Pentagram Sigil.  In addition to a full range of bespoke Apparel and Accoutrements emblazoned with Doktor LaVey’s Sigil, we are proud to also offer unique Lapel Pin Badges! These impressive and intricate one inch pieces are being launched with a Special £6.66 Discount for Church of Satan Members only* (Membership has its privileges).  Our items are officially licensed by the one and only Church of Satan. Accept no imitations!  *Verified by Satannet / LttD status or valid CoS membership card scan. Offer expires on […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

HIPSTER HOLOCAUST LA PREMIERE!!! MIDNIGHT Friday the 13th Doors 11:30pm Laemmle’s Royal Theatre 11523 Santa Monica Blvd. West LA, 90025 $7.00 Thrust yourself into a bizarre domain where the ignorantly hip are violently pillaged of their worldly comforts in a 24 hour traipse through HELL!!!! Feature Film Presentation with Director and Cast Q&A! Free Raffle Prizes + Surprises! Facebook Event: Critics are calling HIPSTER HOLOCAUST: “Genuinely creepy” Rogue Cinema “An impressive film” “3 ½ Stars… a different level of psychopath” Film Threat HIPSTER HOLOCAUST A Feature Film by William Burgess Synopsis: Two strange men stumble into a mansion party and are caught […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

The first issue of The Nightmare Engine contains seven horror tales written by artist and writer, Michael K. Silva.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

A Superlative Solstice To All!

Today we mark the seasonal change—to Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and Winter in the Southern Hemisphere—and so wish a “Superlative Solstice!” to true Satanists and all who embrace Nature the world over.  Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

The Cocktail Vultures have concocted a most potent and complex tiki-style drink, inspired by Lovecraft’s classic tale of a mind-shattering horror risen from the Pacific depths. Read on to discover an eldritch recipe that is as delicious as it is exotic, a welcome addition to your own “blasphemous celebrations”!

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

New HOT AS HELL SUMMER ISSUE OF OLD NICK Now Available! Grab a cold libation, stroke your libido and heat up your summer nights with the issue you can’t miss. * SEE – The Dark Secrets of Fetish Star Julie Simone* READ – Britain’s Infernal Sons by CoS’s very own Gavin Baddeley* VISIT – The World’s Seven Cities of Sin* INTERVIEW – Thriller/horror novelist Jack Ketchum (the “Scariest Man in America”) talks to Old Nick* EXCLUSIVE – Scorching never-before-seen nudes     And of course a bevy of playful pulchritude from our Old Nick Chicks and Temptresses  Just click here: to get it all […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

ROXY’S 1025 A East Broadway, Columbia, MO  65201 ************************* COMPLETE BOMB THIS JOINT TOUR 2012 The kickoff has happened, and now it’s time to spread the gospel. Can I get a witness? Join me as I take my one-man rockin’ machine to you. I’ll have the new “Bomb This Joint” 7-inch record with me and a wonderful cast of people from the neo-roots scene. This page will have the most up-to-date information on “The Bomb This Joint Tour”. 6/15 – Akron, OH – Annabell’s – w/ Dolly Rocker Ragdoll, and Powder Hounds 6/16 – Canton, OH – Buzzbin Art and Music Shop – IN-STORE […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Valentin Schwarz has released another book collecting his powerful images: 696. Click on this link or the above images for ordering information.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

lasescriturassatanicas: Gracias por su interés en la pre-venta de la edición limitada de tapa dura de Las Escrituras Satánicas. El horario de producción espera que los libros serán enviados a finales de Octubre o Noviembre. Puede hacer un seguimiento de los progresos realizados siguiendo el twitter @EscriturasSatan o visitando el sitio web: Actualmente sólo se ofrece pre-órdenes a través de Atomic Books de la ciudad de Baltimore, pero estamos buscando distribuidores en México y Suramérica. Si desea pagar por giro postal, por favor imprima y llene este formulario de pedido anticipado. —-  Thank you for your interest in pre-ordering the limited […]