Church of Satan News

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Neutral Wisdom Podcast hosted by Satanist Robert Shirley.

Neutral Wisdom Podcast – What’s in a Name?

What’s In a Name? A Discussion with Warlock Arashi and Witch Delilah What’s in a Name? Maybe, it is an opportunity to be another person; to embrace one’s “Is To Be”; Maybe, one chooses a new name to compliment one’s Satanic Identity. Your name is part of your identity; it is deeply personal. Likewise, hearing a strong name immediately gives an impression about the person attached to it. On this episode of The Neutral Wisdom Podcast, Satanist Robert Shirley covers pseudonyms and Satanic Identity and is joined by Warlock Arashi Enyo and Witch Delilah Charmer to discuss their chosen pseudonyms […]

Satansplain with Magister Bill M.

Satansplain #083 – Listener Mail

Satansplain responds to mail from the listeners, including such topics as: Satanic ritual, The Satanic Witch, George Carlin, intellectual black holes, the fight against Satanic misinformation, and why I do what I do.

Practical Magic: Part 1—Sex Magic, with Magister Dr. Bob Johnson.

Practical Magic! – Still Time to Get Registered!

Join Occult Master, Magister Dr. Robert Johnson* along with special guest for part one, Mistress Sarah Sinistre, in the first of a six part series of mystifying, magical classes and demonstrations on harnessing and utilizing Magic in everyday life. LECTURE 1: An Introduction to SEX MAGIC You’ll Learn: • What Makes Magic REALLY WORK • The Power of the WILL • Using SPELLS, POTIONS, & TALISMANS • How to Increase Your LIBIDO • TRANSMUTATION Exercises • RITUALS You Can Use NOW • Reaching ORGASMIC ECSTASY • Finding Your SPIRITUAL PARTNER • ENERGIZE a LAGGING RELATIONSHIP And More! *Dr. Johnson is […]

The Metro presented by Reverend Jeff Ivins

The Metro #762

This week on The Metro, Rev. Jeff Ivins brings you the following bands for your weekly time warp: Big Country, Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Propaganda, Rank And File, The Jesus And Mary Chain, Social Distortion, Captain Sensible, Glass Tiger, The Police, The Flying Pickets, Split Enz, Oingo Boingo, Pretenders, Madness, and finishing off with Patti Smith. Stream The Metro #762. Download The Metro #762.

Death Imagery: Lectures with Blanche Barton & Carl Abrahamsson

Death Imagery: Lectures with Blanche Barton & Carl Abrahamsson

Get ready for a real treat… In 2021, as the #psychartcult lecture series was in full swing, this lovely confluence happened. We were honored to have my old friend and Magistra Templi Rex of the Church of Satan, Blanche Barton, present a paper called “Dancing in the Graveyard – Death Imagery in Satanism.” And I presented my “Memento Mori Forever” talk – subsequently published in my book Source Magic – The Origins of Art, Science & Culture. For paid subscribers of The Fenris Wolf newsletter: Presented here is a video recording of both talks, and the ensuing Q & A. […]

The Naked Satanist with Rev. Jeff Ivins

The Naked Satanist Episode 2

This episode, Rev. Jeff Ivins discusses Non-Conformity and Transendentalism as it relates to Satanism. Follow this link to listen!

Satansplain with Magister Bill M.

Satansplain #081 & #082: The Satanic Rituals (parts 2 & 3)

In this second part of a 3-episode exploration of The Satanic Rituals, hear a closer examination of the book’s extensive introductions, plus the infamous Black Mass, “Masonic” ceremony mysteries tracing back to the Knight’s Templar, the Islamic-condemning rituals of the Yazidis, and the ritualized Seventh Satanic Statement, “Das Tierdrama”. In this third and final part of an in-depth look at Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Rituals, we’ll cover the remainder of the book’s content. Join Satansplain in exploring the Satanic utilization of baptisms, the dark mythology of Russian paganism, Germanic science-fiction cinema, rituals in the age of electronic sound, the Necronomicon […]

The Metro presented by Reverend Jeff Ivins

The Metro #761

This week on The Metro, Rev. Jeff Ivins brings you the following for your weekly time trip to the 1980s: Alarm, Robert Palmer, Oxo, Men At Work, Kate Pierson, George Michael, Ramones, Ultravox, Deborah Harry, Human Sexual Response, General Public, Dalbello, Marilyn Martin, and finishing off with Joy Division. Stream The Metro #761. Download The Metro #761.

Neutral Wisdom Podcast hosted by Satanist Robert Shirley.

The Neutral Wisdom Podcast: Risk v. Reward – A Discussion with Storm and Renée Anderson

Stepping into the unknown can be scary and uncertain; it’s natural for us to seek safety and security, but real growth often happens when we challenge ourselves and take risks. Stepping outside of our comfort zones and embracing uncertainty can lead to personal development and a deeper sense of accomplishment. However, our brains hate risk! When faced with situations that involve risk or uncertainty, the brain often triggers feelings of anxiety or fear as a way to protect us from potential harm; we are more likely to avoid taking that risk. Sometimes the thought around risk does not involve, “What […]