Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

New Gyps Fulvus
T-Shirt Available For Custom Order

Orders for a brand new Gyps Fulvus T-Shirt featuring The Lich: Book I album
cover artwork are now being taken for $27 USD.  Each person who orders
from now through the month of October will receive a free digital download of
the Horror themed concept album, The Lich: Book I, complete with artwork,
lyrics, and credits.

31, 2016, even more brand new high quality Gyps Fulvus T-Shirts with album
cover art and various other new designs will debut and be available for custom
order through the Gyps Fulvus Bandcamp webstore.  

on the photo or this link to order today, and send a message with your
complete name, your email address, your mailing address, and your T-Shirt size
of choice in the form. Allow at least 3 weeks for delivery.

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