Depression Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence. Reverend Campbell is being joined by Victor Wicked and Satanist Cameron John to discuss Depression. We will cover the statistical realities of depression, how a Satanist can see themselves as the highest embodiment of human life and suffer from depression as well as personal stories and coping mechanisms. Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Become a patron of Speak of the Devil! Hail Satan! – Reverend Campbell
Reverend Campbell
Now Accepting Nominations for The Satanic Warlock of the Year LIII A.S. Submit Your Nominee(s) now! In collaboration with Magister Dr. Robert Johnson of The Satanic Warlock, Speak of the Devil presents The Satanic Warlock of the Year LIII A.S. Award. This coming Devil’s Night, Speak of the Devil will present this honor to a Satanic Warlock among us. This is a title that will be granted by your peers in the honored tradition of an infernal mutual admiration society. There can be no greater award than the self satisfaction a Satanic Warlock earns from meeting and achieving his goals, […]
An Enlightened Perspective Episode 003 Speak of the Devil presents An Enlightened Perspective. Citizen Patrick DeMarco is joined by Reverend Campbell to present and discuss the topics that need a little perspective. We will talk about Trump’s Kavanaugh nomination, Bill Cosby’s sentencing, rape culture and it’s impact on our current political #MeToo climate. Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Become a patron of Speak of the Devil! Hail Satan! – Reverend Campbell
The rising hippy culture as well as the burgeoning “occult revival” of the 60s, while contesting the rigidity of previous decades, brought forth a general sloppy spiritualism that LaVey felt needed to be challenged by his third-side perspective. Thus, while inverted crosses and the desecration of symbols held dear by Christians could play a role, slaughtering contemporary sacred cows was also encouraged by Satanism. He suggested that a contemporary black mass might vilify well-respected gurus and LSD sugar cubes might be trodden underfoot. His sense of blasphemy thus did not stop at Christianity, but was applied towards mockery of anything […]
Friday, September 21st at 8pm MST Live on YouTube Speak of the Devil – Reverend Campbell discusses Machine Learning. He is joined by Asura, one of the team members behind the website ‘What is Satanism’. Machine Learning is the application of artificial Intelligence which automatically learns and improves from its experience without being explicitly programmed to. You can learn more about What is Satanism on the website and join us live in the chat to help shape the conversation! Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Become a patron of […]
Biblioelectric Conducer
Title: “Horror Frankenstein’s Monster” Artist: A.W. Storm Anderson Medium: Charcoal on Paper Size: 11×14
—Christopher Lee and Screwbiter Studios
Priestess Marilyn Mansfield’s reborn baby doll inspired by Frankenstein’s Monster