Reverend Campbell

117 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Religious Freedom Day by Magister Kevin I. Slaughter I believe that one of the great lessons I have learned is that it is just as important to know your weaknesses, as it is to know your strengths. In that, I have always felt writing was something that others have done far better than I, but putting their words into print is something I can do better than most. So I am a small publisher. It is my own form of necromancy. Since my passion is for forgotten, neglected, and sometimes intentionally buried and forgotten iconoclasts, I raise their spirits from the grave of forgotten. When asked to […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Religious Freedom Day by Magister Dr. Robert Johnson As a proud Satanist, professional publisher and writer, sexologist and occult investigator who has recognized for more than four decades that the world’s most notorious and carnal religion is by far the most sane (and pleasurable) philosophical approach to life, it is with great joy that myself and Old Nick Magazine celebrate Religious Freedom Day! All free thinkers who follow their own paths should rejoice and recognize the precious American liberties we share in this, the greatest country on earth.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Religious Freedom Day 2016 by Reverend Sean Bonner I was reading a fantastic post by my friend Wil about how he ended up as a “believe whatever you want just leave me out of it atheist” and was reminded of a very similar path I found myself on. I’ve written before about coming to terms with my own beliefs, or lack of beliefs as the case may be and fitting those in with my very religious family and upbringing. Growing up I went to many schools run by monks and nuns and was very frequently faced with the “believe, or else” philosophy of christian religion. I was […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Religious Freedom Day by Reverend Eric Vernor, ‘Corvis Nocturnum’ Celebrate Freedom of Religion Day this January 16th! Religious Freedom Day, enacted by Congress in 1992 and recognized every January 16 by an annual presidential proclamation, commemorates the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in 1786. This was written by Thomas Jefferson and later pushed through the state legislature by then member of the House of Delegates, James Madison, saying that individuals are free to believe as they will and that this “shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.” What does this mean in today’s modern era? Plenty, especially if you are not […]

9sense Podcast Contributors

Religious Freedom Day 2016 by past 9sense contributors 9sense’s past contributors celebrate Religious Freedom Day with a reading of the final paragraphs of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Featuring Reverend Merciless of The Satanic Tradition, Erin Cassavaugh of Down to the Crossroads, Witch Zaftig of Unorthodoxy with Witch Zaftig, Darren Deicide of Agent Provocateur, Jessie of I Dream of Jessie, Aden Ardennes of Militant Eroticism and of course your host Reverend Adam P Campbell.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Religious Freedom Day Products /   In Celebration of Religious Freedom Day Front Graphic Women’s Tee by Church_of_Satan   In Celebration of Religious Freedom Day Front Graphic Men’s Tee by Church_of_Satan   In Celebration of Religious Freedom Day Back Graphic Women’s Tee by Church_of_Satan   In Celebration of Religious Freedom Day Back Graphic Men’s Tee by Church_of_Satan