Daily Archives: August 23, 2024

2 posts

The Jimmy Psycho Experiment: "Summer Breeze"

The Jimmy Psycho Experiment: “Summer Breeze”

TODAY! Just in time for your weekend playlist! “Summer Breeze” by The Jimmy Psycho Experiment, is now available on the website as a “name your own price” download and on The JPX Bandcamp page! Grab your cocktail shaker and grab the tune at the links above…Have a great weekend with the tune, and thank you for the support! Cheers! —Jimmy Psycho

The Neutral Wisdom Podcast

The Neutral Wisdom Podcast: The Warlock Archetype

THE WARLOCK ARCHETYPE WITH MAGISTER DR. ROBERT JOHNSON What is the Warlock Archetype and how does it drive who you are and what you do? On this episode of The Neutral Wisdom Podcast, Satanist Robert Shirley welcomes Church of Satan Magister Dr. Robert Johnson, author of The Satanic Warlock, to discuss Warlock Archetypes and becoming your true self. This episode is not just for the gents! Everyone can benefit from true wisdom by a genuine author of Church of Satan Canon! The Neutral Wisdom Podcast is a podcast dedicated to passing on knowledge and experience from a Satanic perspective, hosted […]