Daily Archives: October 1, 2016

4 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

INFERNAL INK MAGAZINE, Vol. 5, Issue #4, October 2016 Infernal Ink Magazine is a quarterly magazine focused on publishing extremely dark, sexually-charged fiction and poetry. In addition to their violently erotic fictional offerings, they have interviews and other non-fiction content that explore and expose the reader to artists and acts of a diabolically sinful nature. This magazine is not for the faint of heart or prudish. Print / Kindle / PDF

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Darren Deicide Announces European Record Release Tour, The Blues Non Est Mortuum in Europa In celebration of the official release of The Blues Non Est Mortuum, Rootstown in conjunction with Berenice Records and Old Style Music Nights announces The Blues Non Est Mortuum in Europa, a European record release tour. The tour spans 2 weeks across Belgium, Netherlands, and Switzerland.

The Blues Non Est Mortuum is Darren Deicide’s first full-length release in 7 years and will be released October 1st on Berenice Records. The tour begins October 5th with “Dankfeest” at Het Gasthius in Aarschot, Belgium and ends on October 16th […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Church of Satan SETI@home Team Hello all. The Church of Satan has since 1999 been a part of SETI@home (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence). It’s a project in which computers around the world join together to analyze data recieved from space. Since the passing of its fonder, Reverend André Schlesinger, I have now been accepted by the Church of Satan as the new head of the team. If you are interested in participating in the Church of Satan SETI@home Team, you must be a Registered Member of the Church of Satan and be able to provide proof thereof with a scan of your […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

New Gyps Fulvus T-Shirt Available For Custom Order Custom Orders for a brand new Gyps Fulvus T-Shirt featuring The Lich: Book I album cover artwork are now being taken for $27 USD.  Each person who orders from now through the month of October will receive a free digital download of the Horror themed concept album, The Lich: Book I, complete with artwork, lyrics, and credits. 
October 31, 2016, even more brand new high quality Gyps Fulvus T-Shirts with album cover art and various other new designs will debut and be available for custom order through the Gyps Fulvus Bandcamp webstore. […]