Daily Archives: December 1, 2014

7 posts

TERMINUS a short Movie by Valentin Schwarz (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)

“Abundantia Cornu Copiae” at the Stephen Romano Gallery

Eric Richardson “Poseidon” (2014) December 4 – January 15 2015Opens December 4, 6 – 9 pm 111 Front Street Suite 208Brooklyn NY 11201 www.romanoart.com Hours: wed – sat 12 – 6 or by appointment The exhibition is a horn of plenty in itself, celebrating the enrichment that is brought to us through culture.The cornucopia (from Latin cornu copiae) or horn of plenty is a symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with food. The cornucopia became the attribute of several Greek and Roman deities, particularly those associated with the harvest, prosperity, or spiritual abundance, such as personifications of Earth (Gaia or Terra); the child Plutus, god of […]


Licensed distributor of shorts by renegade filmmakers such as Damon Packard (Reflections of Evil) and Rodney Ascher (Room 237), The Druid Underground Film Festival is proud to distribute their first feature: HIPSTER HOLOCAUST. Hipster Holocaust is a “Dark… Visceral… impressive film” (Horrornews.net) that plunges you into “all the hipster carnage a boy could ask for” (Pet Gorilla) as two depraved killers crash a party full of obnoxious snobs in a night of weird violence you’ll never forget! Extras-packed DVD and deluxe limited edition 50 numbered VHS available: Saturday, December 13th Pre-order your copy at hipsterholocaust.org. Over an hour of DVD special features include: […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet


Tired of the same old Christmas songs poisoning the radio throughout the month of December? Then stop by and have “One Hell of a Christmas!!!”  Horrific Holiday Music For the Jaded Masses, Volume One, is available for $6.99 in digital download at Bandcamp.com.   It’s a collection of your favorite (or, perhaps, your least favorite) Holiday Music re-done in a horribly cliched Heavy Metal fashion to poke fun at both of those musical genres in a ridiculously over the top manner. Download your copy today!  Yule get a kick out of it! TRACKLIST:Up on the HousetopBah, Humbug!Sleigh RideCarol of the […]

Satanic Story Time presents episode 19 – Chandu the Magician

Now available in iTunes Podcasts, on www.satanicstorytime.com, and at www.radiofreesatan.com. Satanic Story Time presents episode 19 – Chandu the Magician in “The Brotherhood of the Blood Oath”. The year is 1949 and children and adults impatiently wait on the edge of their chairs for the radio airing of Chandu the Magician. Chandu the Magician was a weekly old time radio show whose main character was Frank Chandler, a peculiar magician who travels from place to place looking “to go forth with his youth and strength to conquer the evil that threatens mankind.” Chandu the Magician aired from 1932 to 1936 under the writing of Harry A. […]

Legendary Locals of San Francisco’s Richmond, Sunset, and Golden Gate Park

Legendary Locals of San Francisco’s Richmond, Sunset, and Golden Gate Parkby Lorri Ungaretti 128 pages, with more than 150 photos Paperback, ISBN 978-1-4671-0177-6 Price: $21.99 Publisher: Arcadia Publishing  Legendary Locals who Contributed to Three San Francisco Neighborhoods “Author Lorri Ungaretti … captures a rich history of what was once heralded as the “western desert of San Francisco.” Ungaretti rediscovers the stories of the heroes, famous (Barbara Eden, Johnny Mathis, Ansel Adams) and infamous (Anton LaVey), who turned a bleak section of San Francisco into a vibrant, colorful, and thriving multicultural community… . “This book will quench your appetite for local […]


March Horne of The Sunday Times questioned Magus Gilmore about our film list, discussing The Snow Man and The Wicker Man in particular. A subscription is required to read the full article.