Daily Archives: June 24, 2014

3 posts

COOP 1949 MERCURY (Giant Edition)

Print size is 25 ½” × 47 ½” Edition of 25 November 2007 Edition immediately sold out at $1,000 each Only 5 Artist Proofs  Pressure Printing’s Description:  1949 Mercury is a one-color relief print, staggering in both its beauty and its size. It measures two feet tall and four feet across—as large as we can print with our current equipment. The image has been pressed into Rives BFK printmaking paper, and each print is hand printed and has been signed and numbered by Coop. I am offering one of the Artist Proofs, never before available. These are signed by Coop, designated […]


THE THREE TENORS / an original by Valentin SchwarzOil / blood / Mixed MediaFramed 60×40 cm Valentine Schwarz, known for his noir works in photography, film and music, for the first time in years has wrought a new brush painting in expressionistic color. Since the response to his earlier exclusive pieces has been large, this picture will be auctioned exclusively online. The auction begins now and runs until July 1st, 2014, and commences with a starting bid of $200. Bids can be sent via email directly to Valentin Schwarz. You are immediately notified if outbid or the high bidder. valentin.schwarz@gmx.ch With […]


Now available in iTunes Podcasts and on www.satanicstorytime.com Satanic Story Time’s 12th episode, “Phantoms” Part 1, is now available for download via iTunes Podcasts and at http://www.satanicstorytime.com.  Mathew Stover (M.R. Stover) joins us as our special guest for an interview and allows me to narrate his most recent short story entitled, “Phantoms” Part 1. I uncover the mailbag to delve into some of the listeners’ recent thoughts. We listen to my narration of Mathew Stover’s “Phantoms” Part 1. We get to hear my recent interview with Mr. Stover. In the interview, Mathew talks about his story, “Phantoms”. He explains when he first became […]