Daily Archives: April 5, 2012

2 posts

Darren Deicide at Division Street Music

Division Street Music presents A special in-store show! Darren Deicide Wet Wolf No Use for Humans Jesse from Accidental Seabirds FREE! 7pm Division Street Music, 19 Division St., Somerville, NJ For more information or directions, contact Division Street Music at (908) 334-2923 http://divisionstreetmusic.com Tonight I will be playing a unique in-store show at Division Street Music in Somerville, NJ.  I will be premiering a new song called “Devil Woman Blues”, a take on the traditional “Devil Got My Woman” by Skip James, as well as sprinkling the set with a bit more acoustic songs for the guitar nerds. Rock n’ Roll –Darren D

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Now available from Dark Moon Press! The Ninth Gate Magazine 1-6 was a underground magazine for Goths, Satanists and horror fans.This publication is the entire series of collection with never before released issue seven in The Ninth Gate Magazine: Into the Inferno! At $29.99 (plus $5 s/h) it is half the total price of the originals. It features Satanists such as Magister Paradise, Marilyn Mansfield,  Reverend Shiva Rodriguez, Priestess Helena of Dark Candles, Storm at Art on You Studios, and a plethora of artists, musicians and articles appear in it. 300 pages and 8.5 x 11 inches! Please send payment via Paypal to:darkmoon@darkmoonpress.com or […]