F.A.Q. Demonic Possession, Strange Dreams, and/or Diabolical Destiny


F.A.Q. Demonic Possession, Strange Dreams, and/or
Diabolical Destiny

I am having experiences with demons or I feel that someone is attacking me on the supernatural level. What can you do to help me?

Satanists do not believe in demons or other supernatural beings, nor do we believe in spells. Seek help from local mental health professionals to assist you to get over these delusions.

I am Satan or the Anti-Christ. I want you to recognize this and help me realize my destiny. What will you do?

We don’t believe in such myths. Seek help from local mental health professionals to assist you to get over these delusions.

I am having unusual dreams about things like Satan, Lucifer, devils, demons, and I believe that I have special powers. Can you help me with these?

Dreams are simply an indication of your personal psychology—they have no other meaning. If your dreams are bothering you, seek help from local mental health professionals.

There are no “special powers.” It should be enough of a challenge to find any real talents you have and work hard to develop them so that they will enhance your life.


From time to time, you may find yourself with a question that is not addressed in the F.A.Q., or literature. We welcome all intelligent and informed questions.

You may submit your question via our web form found on our contact page, or via email at administration@churchofsatan.com.

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