Today, Christians celebrate the well-known myth of their savior risen from the dead while some pagans esteem the relatively obscure female deity, Ēostre. Some ask what might Satanists do while others honor the “dawn of the dead” Nazarene or a goddess of the dawn? We are free of holiday obligations, so we may ignore this date altogether. However, enjoying whatever one finds to be fun from festivities associated with this time of year would also be proper for we diabolists.
While candy is often a part of this day, shunning those wax-like brown effigies of hares and eggs in favor of more delectable and well-wrought chocolates could be in order. Tasty, hot, freshly-baked buns topped with icing crosses wouldn’t drive a peckish Satanist away as we are certainly not nosferatu. And if decorating eggs and playing hide and seek with them intrigues you, then have at it.
If you find the various Christian carryings-on to be annoying, as an antidote you might screen the horror classic THE WICKER MAN, wherein Christianity goes toe-to-toe with an island dwelling group of neo-pagans resulting in the martyrdom of an uptight devotee of the zombie being celebrated today. We’ve linked to the splendidly restored blu-ray print which is the most vivid, if not most complete, home video presentation we’ve yet seen of this excellent film.
The Spring at last is in full sway here in the Northern Hemisphere and so enjoying the blossoming plants certainly can serve to give one a sense of renewal. Whatever you choose to do, or nothing at all save amused observations of those around you, may your vital lives be filled with an abundance of joy and a plethora of delights!