There’s little fire and brimstone for 6/6/06
The Philadelphia Inquirer 6 January 2006
By Alfred Lubrano Inquirer Staff Writer
It isn’t that the day will go completely unmarked. The Church of Satan will hold a satanic high pass at the Steve Allen Theater in Los Angeles today. (Steve Allen? Shouldn’t they be doing it at someplace like the Temple of Stinging Black Rain and Howling Agony? Doesn’t Gallagher perform at the Steve Allen?)
“We embraced this day to have a celebration,” satanic high priest Peter Gilmore writes on the Internet Church of Satan Web site (the Satanists were too busy to call back). “Satanists are epicurean, skeptical atheists…, iconoclasts and pranksters. We see Satan as a symbol of pride, individualism and the quality of questioning all dogmas.”
Turns out, they’re not really into reddening the sewers of America with the blood of virgins or whoever. They’re more about poking fun at organized religion, or so they say. Satanism, Gilmore concludes, is a “cosmic joy buzzer.”

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