“It’s said that the Devil is in the details. Enki has proven that he knows the Devil, and he certainly is a man of details. He has taken great pains to make sure his past efforts have accurately reflected The Black House, and the results were startling. Now he’s moving us into the Front Ritual Chamber, so that we can all feel what it was like to stand in that unhallowed space, the roots of which, Dr. LaVey declared, stretched all the way to Hell.
“Our originating High Priest felt strongly that accurate details, stimulating aesthetics, and potent emotions resulted in powerfully effective magical workings. Enki is constructing for us a virtual ritual chamber in which we can all practice and benefit, linked directly to our dark foundational domain, where it all began. In seeking out original resources for history, item placement and accurate dimensions, Enki is a pioneer in VR magical evocations.” — Blanche Barton, Magistra Templi Rex within the Church of Satan.
Visit https://igg.me/at/blackhousevr/x#/ for more details and to contribute to this campaign.