The Winter Solstice is again upon we denizens of the Northern Hemisphere. I find Nature’s eternal cycling inspiring, and always to be respected. As our days begin to lengthen, the chill outdoors contrast with our cozy indoor spaces here at The Black House in the Haunted Hudson Valley. During this holiday season, those of a more heathen bent might enjoy displaying a Yule Tree, as evergreens were used by European pagans to symbolize life’s endurance through the trials of the frigid months. And when ornamenting this vital conifer, one could include whatever brings personal delight. Our collection of decorative objects features […]
This Saturday, December 14th, Priestess Renée Anderson is hosting a “Yule Father & La Befana” event at her store, Witchcraft District Bazaar! The magical two individuals will be there from 11am-6pm, and folks of all ages can ask for Yule blessings and take FREE photos and selfies with them. Who are these two, you may ask? Before the existence of Santa Claus or St. Nicholas/Sinterklaas, there was YULE FATHER! In ancient Norse, he was Jólfaðr literally translating to “Yule Father”, which is actually another name for Odin. He would visit during the Winter Solstice along with the Yule Goat bringing […]
The Winter Solstice is again upon we denizens of the Northern Hemisphere. Nature’s cycling is inspiring, always to be respected, and as our days at last begin to lengthen, the gelid outdoors contrast with our cozy indoor spaces here at The Black House in the Haunted Hudson Valley. We enjoy having a Yule Tree, as evergreens, long before being usurped by Christians, were used by pagans to symbolize eternal life—survival through the season of stasis until the earth agains warms and becomes active with life energy. Our tree is decorated with fun talismans—dinosaurs, figures from Greek mythology, star ships, cartoon characters, […]
The Winter Solstice is again upon we denizens of the Northern Hemisphere. Nature’s power is awesome, always to be respected, and as our days begin to lengthen, the gelid outdoors contrast with our toasty indoor spaces here at The Black House in the Haunted Hudson Valley. Ralph Vaughan Williams scored the film SCOTT OF THE ANTARCTIC in 1948, which told the tragic tale of Scott’s failed Terra Nova expedition to reach the South Pole. RVW fashioned passages from this music into his Symphony No. 7 “Sinfonia Antartica” which was completed in 1952. Its five movements offer a sweeping aural rendition of […]
The Winter Solstice is again upon we denizens of the Northern Hemisphere here on our beautiful home world. I posit that some satisfaction can be had in feeling at one with the cycling of the seasons. Tonight we can enjoy the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Nasa explains: “It’s been nearly 400 years since the planets passed this close to each other in the sky, and nearly 800 years since the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter occurred at night, as it will for 2020.” This is a rare spectacle to glimpse, reminding us of the immensity of time and the […]
SUPERLATIVE SOLSTICE! The winter solstice is again upon we denizens of the Northern Hemisphere, and many feel at one with the cycling of the seasons on our beautiful home world. Some Satanists might feel alienated by aspects of the holiday hubbub, particularly those promoting Christianity, yet heathen trappings have long been the dominant décor. It is fact that the Christians lifted this holiday from the pagans, as Pope Julius I in the mid 300s inserted their pallid, mythical savior into prior earthy traditions which he failed to supplant. Jolly, round and white-bearded Santa Claus—who has come to signify wish fulfillment—seems inspired […]
SUPERLATIVE SOLSTICE! The solstice is upon us and, as kin to the rest of Earth’s species, we feel at one with the cycling of the seasons on this beautiful planet that is our home. Some Satanists might feel alienated by parts of the holiday hubbub promoting Christianity, yet heathen trappings have long been the dominant décor. It is fact that the Christians lifted this holiday from the pagans, as Pope Julius I in the mid 300s inserted their pallid, mythical savior into prior earthy traditions which they failed to supplant. Jolly round and white-bearded Santa Claus, who has come to […]
SUPERLATIVE SOLSTICE! The solstice is upon us and, as kin to the rest of Earth’s species, we feel at one with the cycling of the seasons on this beautiful planet that is our home. Some Satanists might feel alienated by parts of the holiday hubbub promoting Christianity, yet heathen trappings have long been the dominant décor. It is fact that the Christians lifted this holiday from the pagans, as Pope Julius I in the mid 300s inserted their pallid savior into prior earthy traditions which they failed to supplant. Jolly round and white-bearded Santa Claus, who has come to signify […]
SUPERLATIVE SOLSTICE! The solstice is upon us and, as kin to the rest of Earth’s species, we feel at one with the cycling of the seasons on this beautiful planet that is our home. Celebration of that turning wheel comes naturally to us. Some Satanists might feel alienated by parts of the holiday hubbub promoting Christianity, yet heathen trappings have long been the dominant décor. Recall that the Christians lifted this holiday from the pagans, pasting their pallid savior over more earthy traditions which have never been vanquished. Jolly Santa Claus, who has come to signify wish fulfillment, is a combination of […]