This year’s holiday marks the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan, and my 20th anniversary of becoming its High Priest. It has been my honor to guide this organization into the 21st Century, maintaining the unadulterated legacy of our founder, Anton Szandor LaVey, in a trajectory that both expands and enhances his vision for the world’s first carnal religion. My focus emphasizes the radical individualism that is the heart of Satanism. My method is to both cultivate and inspire our exemplary members to show the validity of our perspective via their own unique achievements. Our members […]
witches’ sabbath
2 posts
It’s that time of the year again. Satanists, as much as any members of a religious body and probably more so, look forward to our Spring holiday with a certain wicked anticipation and joy. Winter is over; we can travel, gather together, and old bonds are reinforced while new ones are made. Others prefer to mark the holiday with more solitary pursuits, and the little experiments that were bubbling away in our laboratories are given life and come shambling into the light. Anton LaVey had it right when he shaped our annual calendar around two holidays that coincide with the […]