Gyps Fulvus – Walpurgisnacht: the Official Video Series, by Citizen Valefar In honor of Walpurgisnacht and serving as a reminder that humans are the most vicious animals of all, Citizen Valefar demonstrates his masterful, impeccable artistic and visual talents with his video creations set to all four parts of the Walpurgisnacht opus; a harsh, dissonant instrumental opus of Dark Ambient, Electronica, and Industrial music created by Gyps Fulvus. Created and released last year, each video of the movement ties in the theme of various conflicts between the human animal vs. nature, demonstrating that no matter how far humans can advance […]
Gyps Fulvus – Walpurgisnacht: the Official Video Series, by Citizen Valefar Citizen Valefar demonstrates his masterful artistic and visual talents with his latest video creations set to all four parts of the Walpurgisnacht opus; a harsh, dissonant instrumental opus of Dark Ambient and Industrial music created by Gyps Fulvus. Each video ties in the theme of the conflict between the human animal vs. nature, demonstrating that no matter how far humans can advance through means of intellect, technology, and brute force, nature will find a way to triumph over any civilization in its most brutal fashion possible. Click below to […]
WICKED WALPURGISNACHT! As we’ve entered into our second half century, the vitality of the Church of Satan is boldly apparent. We Satanists engage our minds, setting our Wills towards remaking our worlds so that joy flourishes and is shared with those whom we cherish. For our audience, our thriving news page offers examples of creativity in abundance—Satanism in action. We gathered last year on this date to celebrate the temporal landmark of our 50th anniversary, an inspirational catalyst for many. And so accomplishments continually multiply as the diverse means our fellows have mastered are cultivated towards enriching ends. Some are […]
Happy 50th Anniversary, Church of Satan! 50 years ago this evening, Anton Szandor LaVey opened the adamantine gates as he founded the Church of Satan—a social experiment in blasphemy, liberty, and individualism. Once he and his intrepid cohorts stepped within, they found not a sanctuary, nor a fortress, but instead a road, for Satanism is not a place or position where one cowers and stagnates, but is instead the journey each one of us takes over the course of our vital lives. He envisioned a cabal of erudite, civilized ladies and gentlemen who would treat one another with the gentility […]
Satanic Half Century—Church of Satan With the Vernal Equinox now behind us, Satanists all over the world now focus on the next Satanic holiday—Walpurgisnacht—because this one will be the historic 50th anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan. In accordance with tradition, it takes place on April 30th. Members of the Church of Satan are invited to attend the official celebration here in the United States and may confirm their membership status and get a formal invitation by emailing [email protected]. This should be done right away as space is increasingly limited as the date approaches. Non-members and members alike are marking this grand anniversary ofSatanism with […]
Church of Satan—50th Anniversary Preparations are well underway for the Church of Satan’s official celebration of its 50th anniversary on Walpurgisnacht, April 30th of this year. Satanists all over the world can celebrate with ritual and revelry. Members of the Church are invited to participate in the official gathering in the United States on that night. We are particularly excited to announce that this elegant gala and ritual will feature the musical genius of two highly talented members: the Nathan Gray Collective and The Jimmy Psycho Experiment. Members interested in attending can get details by emailing the administration and confirming member status.
Happy Birthday Magus Gilmore! In celebration of my birthday today I am beginning to post remasterings of my early electronic compositions. We begin with WALPURGISNACHT from 1983. This was my very first attempt at electronic music, comprised of tracks I created using a vintage Buchla patch bay synth as well as my own sprechstimme vocals. Please click here or on the image above to read more about it and download the piece. More are on the way. My deepest thanks to all the extraordinary people I know who make my life a most fulfilling experience. Your vital additions to my […]
Wicked Walpurgisnacht! In this Year 50 Anno Satanas, tonight we celebrate the 49th anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan. Around the globe we witness extremist theism casting its ugly pall, bringing death, slavery, and torture to countless individuals. It is time for those who cherish reason, merit and civilization to bestir themselves to stem this tsunami of reactionary regression so that our species may more actively pursue knowledge and creation towards ever-expanding realms of undefiled wisdom. Anton LaVey’s profound insights into the nature of the beast called Man have never been more relevant. Those carnal individuals whose […]