UNborn creations

8 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

PRIESTESS MARILYN MANSFIELD AT WALKER STALKER THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY! East Coast horror fans! Priestess Marilyn Mansfield will be selling her incredibly creepy and cute UNborn Creations this Saturday and Sunday at The New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center in Edison, NJ. For more information about the Walker Stalker convention, go here!

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

RIDE FOR DIME Priestess Marilyn Mansfield was invited to be one of the guest hosts for the RIDE FOR DIME East Coast Tri-State Chapter event Saturday, August 26. Marilyn will be donating one of her UNborn Creations (Horror Art Dolls) for the charity auction. A custom Zombie Reborn baby doll that was created by Marilyn just for this event! Tickets are available here.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Priestess Marilyn Mansfield will again be one of the artists at Walker Stalker Con in New Jersey, July 9-10! She will have some of her latest UNborn Creations, Art Dolls for sale at her booth! For show info, visit: www.walkerstalkercon.com

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Witch Marilyn Mansfield will be selling her UNborn Creations Horror Art Dolls at the 25th Anniversary Chiller Theatre Expo, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 23-25, 2015, at the Sheraton Hotel in Parsippany, NJ. For event info go to: Chiller Theatre Expo – Index Page

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Witch Marilyn Mansfield is in the October 14-24 issue of TimeOut NY. Grab your copy today on newsstands in NYC and be sure to visit their site to discover fun and fascinating things to enjoy in New York City. Visit Witch Mansfield’s web site, Unborn Creations, to learn more about her intriguing dolls. Pictured below are zombie twins Mia & Tyler, inspired by artist Mia Tyler.


Witch Marilyn Mansfield will be one of the featured artists showcasing her horror doll creations in the “Artists Alley” at the NY/NJ Walker Stalker Con, December 13-14th, at the Meadowlands Expedition Center. Marilyn’s “UNborn Creations” will also be available for purchase. For show info visit: walkerstalkercon.com.


Witch Marilyn Mansfield will be selling her reborn horror art dolls, “UNborn Creations“ at Chiller Theatre, October 24-26th. Adopt a Zombie, Vampire or Demon baby of your very own from Marilyn herself! For convention info visit: http://www.chillertheatre.com

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Marilyn Mansfield at Bizarre AC

Witch Marilyn Mansfield will be selling her UNborn Creations at the Bizarre AC Horror Expo at the Tropicana Resort in Atlantic City, NJ, June 13-15th. Adopt a monster baby of your very own from Marilyn herself. For show tickets and info, please visit http://bizarreac.com/.