The Union of Egoists website went live early 2016 but officially announced April 1st of that year. The entire chat of February 2nd, 2016 between Trevor Blake and myself that crystalized the idea was printed at the end of Der Geist Issue 1, and titled “A Unique Conversation”, published in the following year. Der Geist issue 4 is now available! That creates a total of 724 pages of egoism from 1845 to 1945, with “lost” works reprinted, new translations every issue, rare photos and images, and new research and writing. Available from: Underworld Amusements | | Amazon.UK | Barnes & Noble In this issue, a previously undiscovered […]
trevor blake
The newest issue of Der Geist, the journal of historical Egoism, is here. Rare and unpublished works from the first century of egoism-the philosophy of Max Stirner. from: Underworld Amusements or from US | MX | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT This issue of Der Geist includes rare reprints of egoist history. These include blow-by-blow accounts of Dora Marsden in her street-fighting phase, lost transcriptions of J. William Lloyd saved from the darkness by individualist feminist Wendy McElroy, the philosophical and physical wanderings of the laughing philosopher Malfew Seklew, and more. This issue of Der Geist also includes original inquiries into egoist history. These include a history of the Radical Book Shop of Chicago, and the […]
The Authoritative Edition of Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard is now available. The variant text of the five editions published in the author’s lifetime have been harmonized into one volume. In addition, this new volume contains thousands of previously undocumented citations and a never-before-published index. It features a new introduction by Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan. Paperback, 406 pages, 6×9, $19.95. Available from the publisher Underworld Amusements (US ONLY) Available from | UK | IT | DE | FR | ES | JP “Undoubtedly the most bizarre product of the American Nietzsche vogue… a […]
Union of Egoists on Patreon Union of Egoists is a Historical, Biographical and Bibliographical website focused on Egoism as a philosophical movement explicitly beginning with Max Stirner. Click here to support the project on Patreon and access exclusive content include podcasts, book previews, commentary, and more. Companions, the creator seeketh, not corpses—and not herds or believers either. Fellow-creators the creator seeketh— The project is primarily run and edited by Magister Kevin I. Slaughter and Trevor Blake and with the assistance of a few volunteers from time to time. The scope of the project has become larger than expected, and there […]
FIRSTS ON COLLECTING BUCKMINSTER FULLER One of the common values amongst Satanists is a love for books, so FIRSTS is a magazine for those devoted to collecting them. “Buckminster Fuller: A Bibliographical Biography / Scenario” by Trevor Blake is a featured cover story in FIRSTS / THE BOOK COLLECTOR’S MAGAZINE Volume 27 Number 9 / 10 (September / October 2017). Order your copy.
UNION OF EGOISTS Introducing the Union of Egoists, a biographical, historical, bibliographic and inspirational resource for autodidacts and vagabonds alike. A project initiated by Trevor Blake (Confessions of a Failed Egoist & Max Stirner Bibliography) and Kevin I. Slaughter (A Bible Not Borrowed from the Neighbors: Essays and Aphorisms on Egoism). The first Egoist Max Stirner, Egoist Feminist Dora Marsden, defacto Satanist Benjamin DeCasseres, Social Darwinist Ragnar Redbeard and soap-box Superman Malfew Seklew are a few of the members of this Union of Egoists. Blake has described Egoism as being the claim that the individual is the measure of all things. In ethics, in epistemology, in aesthetics, in society, the […]
Outbursts of Everett Trueby AD Condo & JW Raperintroduction by Trevor Blake6×9, 280 pages, $16.95 Available: Underworld Amusements (US) + ASPapparel (EUR) + HERE IS A MAN WHO WOULD NOT TAKE IT.We have forgotten about Everett True, a man who attended with prejudice to those most deserving—the daily pests. Sure, superheroes may have stopped crimes and Popeye may have known his share of dust-ups. But what about the million annoying twerps who don’t break the law, but instead stomp on the social contract? When do they get theirs? Everett True wished to live a simple life. He wished to […]
The Gospel According to Malfew Seklew presented by Trevor BlakeFriday, May 1 at 7:00pm in PDTMother Foucault’s Bookshop in Portland, Oregon Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing. Those unable to attend can find the book at and directly from