Vistaprint Wedding Cards & Christian Proselytization “We Satanists are against evangelizing and proselytizing (in any form) as we consider these to be intrusive, bullying acts that are antagonistic to free will. Having any religion foisted on unwilling people is not Satanic. Such deeds in a rational society should be deemed to be criminal. Laws that promote a majority religion’s beliefs which could hamper the civil rights of those outside that religion should be repealed where they exist. Fortunately we’ve seen a wave of sanity recently wherein more and more states are allowing equal civil rights under the law by establishing legal […]
third side intelligence
Sex Dolls & Satanism: An Overview The following is Magus Peter H. Gilmore’s statement provided to Rob Waugh of the Metro UK in preparation for his piece on the connection between The Church of Satan and the sex doll trend: Greetings: Anton LaVey promoted the idea of “artificial human companions” as a means for people to exercise sexual or other drives with a device that might gratify their fantasies without having to involve other human beings. This would permit complete control over the details of the fantasy. Of course, the ability to find porn that addresses numerous fetishes so easily […]
The Origin of the Goat of Mendes “Man relies on symbolism and metaphor when building a personal conceptual framework for understanding the universe in which he lives. He has always invented his gods using his carnal brain.” – Peter H. Gilmore, The Satanic Scriptures In ancient Egyptian theology, it was believed that a vital essence existed in every living person. This spark of life was referred to as the ka, and it was thought to have been created by a deity at the moment of conception. When a person died, the Egyptians believed that the ka would leave the body […]
Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence: Drugs Tuesday, December 19th / 8pm MST Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence. Reverend Campbell is being joined by Aden Ardennes and Darren Deicide to discuss the war on drugs, the opioid crisis and the Church of Satan’s stance on drugs. You can find Aden Ardennes at and and you can learn more about Darren Deicide on Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Hail Satan! —Reverend Campbell
Speak of the Devil Presents Third Side Intelligence: Polyamory Sunday, November 26th / 5pm MST Speak of the Devil Presents Third Side Intelligence. In this episode Reverend Campbell is joined by Robert Merciless and Rev. Shiva Rodriguez to discuss Polyamory. Robert Merciless is the proprietor of Rabid Crow Arts & Graphics found at and you can learn more about Shiva Rodriguez on her website Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Hail Satan! —Reverend Campbell
As a Satanic content creator, I am constantly thinking about how what I produce effects others’ understanding and perception of Satanism as a religion. From the essays I write which are shared throughout social media to the videos I produce that are liked and commented on, I try to represent Satanism in the way I perceive it. But what am I saying about myself in the process? Do people consume this content and believe they are in some way connecting with me as an individual? By consuming this content are they in part accepting the responsibilities of its creator, me—my […]
Third Side Intelligence: Missouri Abortions The Satanic Temple is self-acknowledged satire and an activist group, which pretends to be a religion when it suits their ends. They do not reflect the philosophy of Satanism. An ongoing case in Missouri has received publicity wherein activists masquerading as Satanists are involved in a lawsuit regarding currently mandated pre-abortion procedures. As our organization, founded in 1966, defined for the world the meaning of Satanism as a religion and philosophical point of view, we’ve been asked by journalists for a statement. Here is some food for thought. We Satanist citizens of the United States uphold […]
Speak of the Devil Presents Third Side Intelligence:U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Wednesday, September 20th / 8pm MST In this episode, Reverend Campbell is being joined by Citizen Jeff Bowling and Warlock JNothing. Together we will be discussing the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. We will go over what the organization is meant for, how it is failing, it’s scandals in recent years, and what veterans think about the organization itself. Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Hail Satan! —Reverend Campbell
Extreme Left, Safe Spaces & Censorshipwith Reverend Raul A. and Brandon Phinney Saturday, September 2nd / 1pm MST Speak of the Devil presents Third Side intelligence. Reverend Campbell is joined by Reverend Raul A. and Brandon Phinney to discuss the extreme left, safe spaces & censorship. There has always been an extreme reaction to political dominance. Sometimes that reaction turns into a movement and defines the future of political discourse, for a cycle at least. The last reaction was the Tea Party that can be felt in congress’ inaction to this day. But there has been an equal and opposite reaction […]