Watch the Premiere of the Never-Before Seen “Hellfire Caves” documentary, now showing at The Satanic Warlock’s new Substack website, the definitive online destination for devotees of the Warlock philosophy. Don’t miss one of the most awaited Satanic films ever produced, magically debuting in conjunction with today’s historic celestial Six Planet Alignment. Finally released by the producers, this never-before-seen documentary takes you deep into Sir Francis Dashwood’s 18th century Hellfire Caves in West Wycombe, England, revealing the shocking ritual celebrating the Church of Satan’s 42nd Anniversary on Walpurgisnacht (April 30), 2008. CLICK NOW TO SEE THE FILM! Only $9 for monthly subscribers!
the satanic warlock
THE WARLOCK ARCHETYPE WITH MAGISTER DR. ROBERT JOHNSON What is the Warlock Archetype and how does it drive who you are and what you do? On this episode of The Neutral Wisdom Podcast, Satanist Robert Shirley welcomes Church of Satan Magister Dr. Robert Johnson, author of The Satanic Warlock, to discuss Warlock Archetypes and becoming your true self. This episode is not just for the gents! Everyone can benefit from true wisdom by a genuine author of Church of Satan Canon! The Neutral Wisdom Podcast is a podcast dedicated to passing on knowledge and experience from a Satanic perspective, hosted […]
Join your host Blake as he interviews Magister Bob Johnson. Magister Johnson discusses his book, The Satanic Warlock, concepts of masculinity in this current society, his The Warlock Academy, and much more! Apple Podcast / Spotify
Magister Dr. Johnson’s companion to Anton LaVey’s celebrated The Satanic Witch, now on Amazon’s Kindle for $6.66! Click this link to order yours.
Bespoke Satanic Items for the Chosen Few Magister Dr. Robert Johnson and Warlock Gerry Denis are proud to announce The Warlock Emporium, the world’s only retail destination offering official, exclusive and trademarked Satanic Warlock merchandise. The site is billed as the definitive marketplace for all things desired by men who define themselves as epicurean Warlocks. Denis, the site’s proprietor and student at the Warlock Academy, defines the venture as the first online source for men who “dare to be different and live fiercely.” He added that the site provides Satanic men with items that define their stature in a world […]
ANNOUNCING THE WARLOCK ACADEMY An Online Salon For Gentlemanly Arts Expanding The Black Guard — Satanism’s elite Brotherhood — Magister Robert Johnson, author of “The Satanic Warlock”, is offering a members only, bi-monthly online Satanic support group that will explore the philosophy, ideals, techniques and concerns of Satanic men! The Academy picks up where the groundbreaking book left off, establishing a virtual society of distinguished Satanists, scholars, artists and magicians who live by Satanic principles. You’ll experience a finishing school of sorts for sinful gentlemen and scoundrels of every stripe, devoted to exploring Epicurean and Hedonistic endeavors. For details on […]
The Warlock Hour Here is the first of many videos to come in this series expanding on the knowledge and techniques found within The Satanic Warlock. Hosted by Magister Dr. Robert Johnson and Lorcan Black, these two men will hold nothing back while discussing every aspect of what it means to be a true Warlock and how to get there. This episode we have Sarah Sinistre, Old Nick model and personal friend of Magister Johnson, on to join in the discussion. Make sure you’re subscribed to the channel because you don’t want to miss what’s coming your way.
INTERVIEW WITH A SATANIC GENTLEMAN Father Sebastiaan discusses The Satanic Warlock with Magister Dr. Robert Johnson. “About a year ago I was introduced to the book The Satanic Warlock by Magister Dr. Robert Johnston, Magister of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan by a good friend Ruth Waytz (who is also a Magistra in the Church of Satan). As I am into the Gentleman’s Arts of bon vivant, adventure, class and seduction this book seemed to be a direct correlation to my interests and it did not let me down. I had the pleasure of interviewing him about his book!” Click here to read more!
The Satanic Warlock Exclusive Walpurga Special Offer!APRIL 30, 2018 EVERY DIGITAL ISSUE OF OLD NICK MAGAZINE EVER CREATED!MORE THAN A DECADE OF DEVILISH DELIGHT IS NOW ONLY $69.99!! – a $300 Value! That’s right, more than 10 years of Devilishly Good Entertainment for men has been compiled and is now available in this special offer for Warlocks only. All of the gorgeous centerfold Temptresses, amateurs, compelling Satanic articles (including the premiere issue and rare 6/6/06 Ritual nude photo layout), model spreads, reviews, galleries and more is right at your fingertips in digital format for your personal collection. Don’t pass up this special deal […]