The masks of Satan begin to emerge, peeking ‘neath floorboards and beds, from moonlit windows & shadowy closets, attics & basements, skeletal trees lurking, beckoning the darkling to become one in perpetuity. Heralding the path to nightmare fane, the inner darkness revealed to revel, and from bubbling cauldrons, unholy confections tempt with multisensory delights, The Devil’s Communion invites. Satan’s brides by hellements unite! Bats and witches fly, demons arise from pentagram gateways, werewolves howl & stalk the land, ghouls and zombies from graveyards lurch, hooded phantoms float with glowing eyes, vampires and wraiths haunt your dreams. The shadows come alive! […]
the devil’s diary
Within the accursed Jack o’Lantern, carved with the symbols of dread demons, the black hellflame candle is lit! Lighting the way to Baphomet’s throne, Casting the faces of devils across the land, Satan emerges upon this Unholy Sabbath, bearing myriad tricks and treats for those who dare partake of infernal bounty! Gather phantoms from nightmares and dreams to indulge in carnal delights and pleasant screams!Haunting nights eternal, thine treasures & pleasures reveal possessions dire…The Devil’s Diary XXXII / Halloween LV Anno Satanas includes sculpture & poetry by Ronin Beard, cover art by Dave Lipscomb, essays by Prometheus, David Padgett, Blackthorne, […]
The Devil’s Diary XXXI By Draconis Blackthorne Price: $6.66 Wicked Winds blow on this Unholy Night, Witches & Warlocks gathered from all over the black earth meet with Satan emergent, from hellfire in the form of Baphomet! The All-One! Sublime Sins indulged, spells cast as lightning upon ether, etching The Devil’s Mark to materialize according to Will! Possessed of passion’s thrall, the flames of The Pit yield The Gates of The Abyss, passing through & are infernally empowered manifold! Essays by Prometheus & others; open The Black Book of Shadows to enter The Dogym with Kuji-Kiri Rite; cleanse with unholy […]
THE DEVIL’S DIARY XXX by Draconis Blackthorne COME FORTH! Upon this dark journey you travel upon a winding sinister path through skeletal trees which reveal an ominous diabolical church, overshadowing land like a darkhouse, emitting infernalight from the trapezoid steeple through compelling symbols of Power! BEHOLD! The doors creak open, a shadowy form bids you forwards, it feels like home… Embrace The Black Flame & Speak The Unholy Words! THE BOOK & those who have signed… Through SEASONS IN HELL we acknowledge Halloween displays & activities, SHADOW GALLERY apparitions from the Pit {with pieces from Adam Roberts & Zaemon Kane}, Satanic Panic Archives, darketypes, […]
The Devil’s Diary XXIX This Wicked Walpurgisnacht issue brings forth Hellish offerings from Below… Behold! As we travel upon this Root of All Evil, witness an interview on Comparative Religions to accompany the previous in The Black Dragon Speaks, a second part of Daemonocracy; Into the shadows of Memento Vivendi Mori rebirth, Satanic Meditation, realizing, projecting, & incarnating the lycanthropic ghoul oneself in the darkness, a resurrection & preservation of artifice & infernal evocative playthings & locations; when & where to apply the lesser Magical principles of black humor; The Book of Blindlight reveals the ongoing results the christinsanity of […]
THE DEVIL’S DIARY: XXVIII HELLOWEEN LII This issue comprises hellements of Helloween, Winter Solstice Satanalia, with observations into the New Year and throughout The Seasons In Hell, Friday the 13th & Fangsgiving observations, Nefarious News, Noctuarium Satan’s Scroll, Malefick Musick, Spechtreum, The Black Earth, Snackrifices. Plus Satanic Serenades featuring Dax Bordas. and The Shadow Gallery. Follow this link to purchase your copy.
THE DEVIL’S DIARY XXVII: WALPURGISNACHT LII Wicked winds have brought forth another issue for your rumination & contemplation, fanning the hellfires to rage ever higher! In this stygian subterranean labyrinthine grotto,The Draegon there leers from the gloom, black flames purifying all but the most potent, forging stronger still, with illuminating parchment scrolls unfolding by abyssal lantern’s glow. There writ by sanguineous stain and impressed with dread symbols, wrought by daemon and & devil quill, words spark aflame by the mention of Infernal Names, as those who have flown forth on leathern wings across The Black Earth, return triumphantly bearing foreboding […]
THE DEVIL’S DIARY XXVI: WALPURGISNACHT LI A.S. In Sinister Celebration of The Church of Satan’s 50th Anniversary, The Black Earth courses through the Seasons In Hell; by the hell fire side, Satanic Serenades features magnificent odes to Magus LaVey {with Barry Mac & others}, the misanthropic contemptlations of Nefarious News, the infernal revelations of Dractionary, the paranormal anomalies of The Black Book of Shadows, & Greater Magical experimentations yielding Power & perception. Resonance, reflection, vibration. The Circus Maximus opens with The Book of Blindlight, the madness of The Satanic Panic archives, plunge deep below for a glimpse into the Stygian […]