Harry O. Morris: Artist’s Portfolio An utterly exquisite compendium of the magical imagery of Harry O. Morris. This hardcover volume makes for a codex tenebrarum of Morris’ visionary surrealism, assembled in a handsomely wrought book. Aficionados of elegantly rendered surrealist vistas will treasure this comprehensive assembly of work by this major artist. Collected within are images wrought for our own publications GRUE, NARCOPOLIS, as well as THE BLACK FLAME, for which he crafted a haunting portrait of Anton Szandor LaVey. Morris will intrigue, disturb and beguile you with his powerful images. —Magus Peter H. Gilmore From the Amazon description: Harry O. […]
surrealist art
El Gato Chimney “Rebirth” (2015) DISINFO INTERVIEWS EL GATO CHIMNEY Stephen Romano Gallery is proud to present DE RERUM NATURA, Italian artist EL GATO CHIMNEY‘s first one person exhibition in the United States. “Italian artist El Gato Chimney’s paintings riff on occult motifs, juxtaposing magical and folkloric symbols with surreal elements. Populated by anthropomorphic animals, Chimney’s world is imbued with a sense of playfulness as he invites viewers to suspend disbelief and indulge their imaginations.” March 5th – April 30 2015 / opening reception March 5th 2015 6 – 9 pm 111 FRONT STREET, SUITE 208, BROOKLYN, NY 11201
Our own V Holecek has been interviewed by The Palette Pages where you may peruse a number of his fine surrealist images while learning a bit about the man behind them.
H.R. Giger’s powerfully surrealist images shall remain as testaments to the potency of his imagination as well as the skill he possessed to bring these dark vistas into existence. His biomechanical style is instantly recognizable and it has conjured a host of imitators. After viewing his NECRONOMICON, Ridley Scott wisely approached Giger to design the xenomorph in all of its insectile, predatory glory for ALIEN (1979) and the derelict craft and environments he crafted for LV-426 have haunted film makers and viewers ever since. His body of work stands as one of the most personal and influential collections of images […]