If you’d like to support a fellow Church of Satan member by voting for their adult horror parody short, Whorrifier Part 2, for Best Feature Video in the 2023 AltStar Awards, you can vote DAILY by clicking the link below. Whorrifier Part 2 for Best Feature Video in the 2023 AltStar Awards— Follow the link and select the film by clicking the circle to the left of the title, then click the “Submit Vote!” button beneath. “Thanks to @AltPornNet for the nomination!!!”—Erik Todd
Sonia Harcourt
2 posts
Award-winning purveyor of fine porn, Dave’s Custom Media, offers the first in a series of hardcore erotic fantasies: Tales From the Black Lodge, Episode 1: The Vessel. Inspired by Pope Francis’ admission that Roman Catholic priests abused nuns and subjected them to sexual slavery, this film presents an imagined situation wherein a nun is held as a concubine in a subterranean chamber in the Vatican with the purpose of her being the conduit for the apocalypse in a bizarre S&M sex ritual. The film has the atmosphere of a vintage “stag film,” and is presented as a look into a […]