Magister Dr. Johnson’s companion to Anton LaVey’s celebrated The Satanic Witch, now on Amazon’s Kindle for $6.66! Click this link to order yours.
Sex and the City, and Satanism? Not Talking to the Reverend Joel Ethan about the Church of Satan An interview done last year for Vice, who decided at the last moment not to run it. Topics covered include how Reverend Ethan became a member, whether Satanism can be of benefit to those with low self-esteem, if enjoying Sex and the City is Satanic and even the dangers of Bam Margerification. Follow this link to read Reverend Ethan’s previously unpublished interview.
The Demented1 interviews Reverend Corvis Nocturnum Listen to Reverend Nocturnum discuss his new book, HAIL THYSELF! and what it means to unlock the secrets of control, wealth, and power. (Source:
A Moment With Magister David Harris Join “The Demented1″ as he interviews Magister David Harris of the Church of Satan as we discuss Satanism, fetish films and his new podcast titled Sex, Song, Sinema, & Satanism. (Source:
$ 19.99 The Inner You, Control – self control comes first. Attitude—Self esteem and confidence. Learn and Grow, Judge a Book By Its Cover. Ritual of Routine, Your Body. Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise. Skin Care, Nails, Hair. Scent and Color Magic Style – clothing tips Dress Like a King Costs and MaintenanceFake it ‘til You Make It (from Goodwill to Armani, buy the best if you can.) Travel and Packing. Diligence Putting it all Together Reputation SeductionThe Masses Etiquette, a Forgotten Relic. Afterword—Power. Why we need It. Do you want to be Shirley Temple or Honey Boo Boo? Do you want to be the Barrymores or […]
The Achievement of Infinite Self-EsteemNEMO ON SATANISM (Part 1)An mp3 recorded audio program The purpose of this meditative program is to reveal important truths about your life and to liberate you from the illusions that still enslave the masses of humanity, offering the possibility that you may live your life from an entirely new perspective—a Satanic enlightenment. We will explore these oft-hidden truths as we strive to enable this new understanding to become a part of your new normal perspective. Once you perceive things as they really are, your eyes will be opened …and you will SEE!