satanic ritual abuse

8 posts

The Devil in the Details

Michelle Misremembers: How a Psychiatrist and His Patient Created the Blueprint for Satanic Ritual Abuse

In his latest The Devil in the Details article for Skeptical Inquirer, Warlock JD Sword reviews Michelle Remembers, the book which provided the blueprint for claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and arguably helped kickstart the Satanic Panic (which you can read more about here), prompting Anton LaVey to file a defamation suit against the author and publisher (read more about that here), as well as a recent documentary about the book, Satan Wants You, which features Magistra Blanche Barton. Michelle Misremembers: How a Psychiatrist and His Patient Created the Blueprint for Satanic Ritual Abuse

The Devil in the Details

The Devil in the Details: VPRO Argos and the Hendriks Commission

In the latest for Skeptical Inquirer, JD Sword reports on an investigation the Netherlands government opened into Satanic Ritual Abuse last year, once again finding a lack of corroborating evidence for the victim’s claims. Special thanks to Stef Wouters for the translation. The Devil in the Details Still No Evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse: VPRO Argos and the Hendriks Commission

The Devil in the Details

The Devil in the Details: Episode 22 The Hampstead Hoax

On this latest episode, the Satanic Skeptic examines a hoaxed (aren’t they all?) case of Satanic Ritual Abuse that went viral after video interviews of police and several children, along with a list of 175 alleged cultists, went online. The hoaxers fled the country, but the story didn’t stop there… Click here to listen.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Reverend Raul Antony talks Satanic Panic & More on Heathen Haven Live Stream  The panel watch and discuss the David Carrico Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies video and take Q&A from listeners.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

VIDEO: WalpurgiShaw 2017 Ritual by Reverend John H. Shaw  A rite performed at an exclusive gathering to celebrate the founding of the Church of Satan Walpurgisnacht LII A.S. Produced by Reverend John H. Shaw.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Texas Judge Finds Ex-Day Care Owners Innocent of Satanic Ritual Abuse AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A Texas judge has approved a prosecutor’s declaration of innocence for the former owners of a day care who were imprisoned for 21 years for child abuse and satanic rituals. Dan and Fran Keller were freed in 2013 after the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals determined a doctor gave false testimony in their trial. They divorced in prison. The couple was convicted in 1992 of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old after children in their care told investigators fantastic tales of dismembered babies and tortured pets. The […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

One Satanic Panic was Enough—Debunking Ted Gunderson and #Pizzagate  If you want to look really stupid, just try linking Satanism to this #pizzagate nonsense. This old video of Ted Gunderson has resurfaced and people who live in a “post-fact” world are passing it on as some kind of smoking gun. Luckily for the non-brain dead among us this has been well documented as a load of crap. Ted Gunderson of course, was a total tinfoil hat lunatic and embarrassment to the FBI, whom the SPLC described as someone who “never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t believe.” In the video […]