The Devil’s Diary XXIX This Wicked Walpurgisnacht issue brings forth Hellish offerings from Below… Behold! As we travel upon this Root of All Evil, witness an interview on Comparative Religions to accompany the previous in The Black Dragon Speaks, a second part of Daemonocracy; Into the shadows of Memento Vivendi Mori rebirth, Satanic Meditation, realizing, projecting, & incarnating the lycanthropic ghoul oneself in the darkness, a resurrection & preservation of artifice & infernal evocative playthings & locations; when & where to apply the lesser Magical principles of black humor; The Book of Blindlight reveals the ongoing results the christinsanity of […]
satanic magazine
2 posts
THE DEVIL’S DIARY XXVII: WALPURGISNACHT LII Wicked winds have brought forth another issue for your rumination & contemplation, fanning the hellfires to rage ever higher! In this stygian subterranean labyrinthine grotto,The Draegon there leers from the gloom, black flames purifying all but the most potent, forging stronger still, with illuminating parchment scrolls unfolding by abyssal lantern’s glow. There writ by sanguineous stain and impressed with dread symbols, wrought by daemon and & devil quill, words spark aflame by the mention of Infernal Names, as those who have flown forth on leathern wings across The Black Earth, return triumphantly bearing foreboding […]