Tomorrow begins year LX, Anno Satanas. The departing year brought the loss of three of my very dear friends—two, who were members of our hierarchy, and another, an atheist who felt that if he had to define a specific philosophy for himself, he was inclined to see Satanism as a worthy possibility. As we age, the passing of those who play many roles in our lives is always sobering, for we Satanists never cease to be conscious of our mortality, even as our activities and relationships establish legacies that might touch others in a positive manner. In our ephemerality, we […]
Realm of Satan
From director Scott Cummings: “So happy to be in VIENNA next week for the Austrian premiere of REALM OF SATAN at Viennale. Vienna is sort of the second home base of the film because we did so much work there and a lot of people who worked on the film live there—also it’s the deathplace of Bruckner. So thrilled to share it at one of my favorite festivals. It will also PROBABLY be the last fest I attend for this film—going out on the highest note possible. See you there!!!” REALM OF SATAN @ Viennale FR. 25 OKT 21:15 Urania […]
Scott Cummings’ film, REALM OF SATAN, has its German premiere in the CineREBELS section of Filmfest München: WED, 03. JULY – 10:00 PM (82 min)—CINEMA FILMTHEATER After the film: Q&A with director Scott Cummings THU, 04. JULY – 6:00 PM (82 min)—CITY 3 After the film: Q&A with director Scott Cummings SAT, 06. JULY – 9:00 PM (82 min)—CITY 3 After the film: Q&A with director Scott Cummings For more details, follow this link
Today I reach my double-six birth anniversary—the 24th of May in common era year 2024—and I mark several significant personal milestones in this current calendar year. As I’d mentioned in my Walpurgisnacht message, two close friends of many decades, both Church of Satan Magisters, finally had to leave the party of life. And, before their passing, another dear friend of mine, the great musicologist Benjamin-Gunnar Cohrs, succumbed to chronic heart issues. He is famous for being part of the SPCM team which worked diligently to complete the finale of the Bruckner 9th Symphony via deep analysis of the copious manuscript […]
News on the new film “Realm of Satan”! Also, addressing false claims about serial killer Richard Ramirez and the Church of Satan (no, he was never a member, nor practiced what we believe), and answering listener questions about the Universal Life Church and Satanic weddings, membership privacy, and other topics.
Magistra Barton, Maga Nadramia, and I were honored to attend and support Scott Cummings’ masterful first feature—a project first proposed to us 9 years ago. All good things to those who wait! It is a challenging film, not at all a typical didactic documentary, and its approach clearly goes over the heads of some viewers. GIZMODO reviewed it and got the entire point of this fascinating work, essentially conceived to function as a visual ritual. Please read Cheryl Eddy’s succinct and perceptive review: Realm of Satan Brings Dark Glamour to a Misunderstood Culture The film’s distribution is currently being negotiated, […]
Tomorrow begins year LIX, Anno Satanas. For the new year, we of the Church of Satan have something fine to celebrate. Director Scott Cummings, of BUFFALO JUGGALOS fame, approached us before the pandemic struck with the concept of doing an artistic portrait of the contemporary Church of Satan. Not a didactic documentary, rather it is an effort to visually present our vital members engaging in their passions and their arts, woven together with the ritual traditions established by our founder, Anton Szandor LaVey. Cummings filmed over the course of several years, criss-crossing the USA, and also shooting in Canada and […]