HAIL GODZILLA! From the creative team that brought you last Halloween’s treat, H.P. Lovecraft’s “Hallowe’en in a Suburb”, comes the heart-felt ode “Hail, Godzilla!” A spoken word/music video honoring the King of Monsters—Godzilla! Jimmy Psycho explains how this project came to be: “It was such a pleasure to work with these gentlemen last year on H.P. Lovecraft’s “Hallowe’en in a Suburb”, our first collaborative effort. When it came time to thinking about a project for this year, I recalled Magus Gilmore’s “Godzilla writings” and Andy Howl’s The Devils Reign III: Daikaiju” book (available at howlbooks.net). Gene Lavergne did such a […]
peter h. gilmore
The rising hippy culture as well as the burgeoning “occult revival” of the 60s, while contesting the rigidity of previous decades, brought forth a general sloppy spiritualism that LaVey felt needed to be challenged by his third-side perspective. Thus, while inverted crosses and the desecration of symbols held dear by Christians could play a role, slaughtering contemporary sacred cows was also encouraged by Satanism. He suggested that a contemporary black mass might vilify well-respected gurus and LSD sugar cubes might be trodden underfoot. His sense of blasphemy thus did not stop at Christianity, but was applied towards mockery of anything […]
Stanford Murder & Definition of Satanism His definition of a satanic murder? “It would have to be committed by two or more people to have some kind of a spiritual or religious connotation, you have to have multiple people involved,” Lanning said. – ABC 7 News, “40 years later, satanic reference still tied to Stanford murder” This definition ignores the importance of determining from what religion the “spiritual or religious” connotation has arisen. Satanism is a carnal, not a spiritual, religion. Our principles are against rape and murder. Even if someone misappropriates our symbols for use in a crime, it does […]
Speak of the Devil – Reverend Campbell Interviews Magus Peter H. Gilmore & Magistra Peggy Nadramia Watch Now! https://youtu.be/wrcgGTgJ2-8 Speak of the Devil – Reverend Campbell Interviews Magus Peter H. Gilmore & Magistra Peggy Nadramia about the challenges of administering a religion in our modern age. The Church of Satan created Satanism the religion in 1966, and in the last 51 years our society has changed dramatically from basic telecommunications to the internet of things! Join us as we dissect the challenges, changes and opportunities these last 51 years have brought. Magus Peter H. Gilmore has a blog where he […]
Yes, We Have No Occultism by Magus Peter H. Gilmore As I have written, we resist all who would try and inject aspects of supernaturalism and theism into what was stated by Anton LaVey to be a philosophy dedicated to rational self-interest, indulgence and the glorification of the material and carnal aspects of life. Satanism supports science and clearly advocates keeping an open mind as we continue to learn more about the Universe. LaVey was always very careful to use terms like “supernormal” or “supranormal” for any atypical experiences which can be documented and examined, as they are part of […]
an article & video for The Black Flame—December, LI A.S. Magic is the bloodstream of the universe. Forget all you know, or think you know. All that you require is your intuition. – High Aldwin; Willow, 1988 I found myself paralyzed. I was physically and emotionally paralyzed with marvel as I watched the M1A1 Abrams tank fire it’s first round downrange and the atmosphere itself react. I could see the soundwaves of the burst as it rippled out from the cannon, spreading in all directions through space-time. Passing by and crashing against everything around it. Moving everything lacking the strength […]
Electric Hellfire Club Psych-o-delic Baphomet by Reverend Daniel Byrd THE ELECTRIC HELLFIRE CLUB Baphomet: 36", hand-painted, reacts to black light. (Photo: The Photography of Melissa Byrd) See it on stage at their 25th anniversary show December 2nd in Tampa FL, with Nathan Gray Collective and Asmodeus X. With special guests Jinx Dawson of Coven and the Sinister Minister himself, Magister James Mitchell! All part of the Devils Reign 2: Psychedelic Blasphemy celebrations from HOWL Gallery/Tattoo, curated by Magus Peter H. Gilmore. Buy your tickets now! https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/mobile/index/1171291
Does Apple “Think Different”? Interview with Peter Gilmore on Tech Live (2001) #ThrowbackThursday (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
SUBMIT TO THE DEVILS REIGN: PSYCHEDELIC BLASPHEMY (JULY 4th DEADLINE) This is the last month for submissions for HOWL Books December exhibition and book, Devils Reign II: Psychedelic Blasphemy, curated by Peter H. Gilmore. Click here to read the guidelines and submit images for consideration. Artwork submitted must be psychedelic—characterized by aspects such as bright colors, complex geometric patterning, surreal juxtapositions and cartoon-derived stylization emphasizing heightened sensibilities—and blasphemous—mocking the “sacred cows” of today and those that still survive from earlier times—to be considered. Details are posted at www.howlbooks.net/submissions where you can also send us your images. We invite you to join a new generation […]