In the latest for his Skeptical Inquirer column, The Devil in the Details, Warlock Sword revisits the Order of Nine Angles, a devil-worshipping group of Neo-Nazi terrorists, and takes news media to task for irresponsible headlines talking about an “international” and “transnational Satanic cult. Read the full article here.
2 posts
During a U.S.-Africa Summit on Tuesday, President Obama called for a ban on child marriage, which is still practiced within 15 of Africa’s borders. This issue immediately calls to mind two of our Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth: "Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal,” and, "Do not harm little children.“ Since Satanism advocates only those freedoms that respect the freedoms of others, we reserve a special hatred for rape, pedophilia, and animal abuse. These forms of abuse can irreparably damage the magic of the Will, the imagination, and the capacity to evolve—especially for a younger […]