Kiss the Blarney Brimstone! Magister Bill invades St. Patrick’s Day with comedy and novelty of an Irish variety from HAL ROACH, DARA O’BRIAIN, DENIS LEARY, and a lot more. Stream TDM #685 / Download TDM #685 Also, announcing the new merch store carrying Devil’s Mischief items at
The Devil’s Mischief celebrates its 20th anniversary! In this first of many specials for the occasion, Bill looks back at the 2004 “Best of Blasphemy” collection, featuring every wonderful religion-bashing track extracted from the show’s first year of episodes. Stream The Devil’s Mischief #678. Download The Devil’s Mischief #678.
Anticipation! That really best describes the number 665. So while we await episode 666, hear some selected comedy tracks from LEWIS BLACK and DON KNOTTS on the topic of anticipation, along with brand new novelty from mash-up band BEATALLICA. Plus, Bill shares some news on an all NEW program in the works. Stream The Devil’s Mischief #665. Download The Devil’s Mischief #665.
The Devil’s Mischief #644 Hop in the time machine with Bill M. for a 1970s HALLOWEEN NOVELTY special! The Devil’s Mischief turns focus from comedy to novelty with a unique selection of 13 Halloween-fitting songs from the 1970s, plus vintage TV commercials, horror movie trailers, and more! Did the decade have its own sub-genre of Halloween rock? Listen and decide! Stream The Devil’s Mischief #644. Download The Devil’s Mischief #644.
Hear assorted “Thanksgiving leftovers” from previous episodes, along with comedy from DAVID CROSS, NEIL HAMBURGER, a classic episode of FRANTIC TIMES, and so much more. Bill also reads some listener mail and shares news of recent Satanic purchases of interest. Stream The Devil’s Mischief #632. Download The Devil’s Mischief #632.
Happy Halloween! Grab some candy and celebrate as Bill M. takes you on a ghoulish adventure of netherworld nostalgia, the family television, dedications to the dead, and 13 special Halloween novelty tracks. A unique experience you’ll only hear on The Devil’s Mischief. Stream The Devil’s Mischief Episode 631. Download The Devil’s Mischief Episode 631.
It’s the 2018 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! Hear special selections in memory of VINCENT PRICE, along with other Halloween-themed comedy and novelty from BILL BURR, OWEN BENJAMIN, SPIKE JONES, SCREAMIN’ JAY HAWKINS and more! Happy Halloween! Stream Episode #616 Download Episode #616
RADIO FREE SATAN: THE DEVIL’S MISCHIEF #567 (GEORGE CARLIN, JIM FLORENTINE ) It was 45 years ago that GEORGE CARLIN recorded the material that would become his career-changing album “FM & AM”. Hear his historic change from safe TV comedian for the masses, to pioneer of controversial comedy. Also stand-up from JIM FLORENTINE and White House prank calls from TOM MABE.