The Winter Solstice is again upon we denizens of the Northern Hemisphere. I find Nature’s eternal cycling inspiring, and always to be respected. As our days begin to lengthen, the chill outdoors contrast with our cozy indoor spaces here at The Black House in the Haunted Hudson Valley. During this holiday season, those of a more heathen bent might enjoy displaying a Yule Tree, as evergreens were used by European pagans to symbolize life’s endurance through the trials of the frigid months. And when ornamenting this vital conifer, one could include whatever brings personal delight. Our collection of decorative objects features […]
While Christians celebrate their myth of a savior risen from the dead, Satanists note that aspects of today’s traditions stem from ancient seasonal celebrations which often include symbolism derived from the rising of dormant vegetation, and thus “rebirth” and “resurrection.” Maga Nadramia has strategically placed tulips to enhance our garden here at The Black House. A growing number of Satanists enjoy rebranding this day, exchanging greetings of “Happy Beaster!” for they use this occasion as a reminder of the love, respect, and awe we have for non-human animals, with whom we are so evidently kin. It is always delightful to […]
For Satanists, our carnal religion celebrates every day as Earth Day. We cherish and protect our wondrous home world, with all of its beauties and terrors, and invite you to do the same. If possible, go out of doors and partake of the splendors of Nature—of which you are a vibrant participant! Gustav Mahler‘s “Song of the Earth” created a new form of song-cycle symphony, which has inspired a number of later composers to do the same—Shostakovich and Penderecki, to name two. Mahler set Chinese poetry which had been translated into German, and the topics cover quite a number of […]
Hail to all you sapient beings who celebrate the Earth’s successive seasons! Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, Fall’s arrival brings cooler evenings with the promise of bountiful harvests to come. The impending touch of frost should, ere long, ignite leaves to blaze with vivid colors. Those in the Southern Hemisphere rejoice in the triumph of Spring’s growth over bestilled Winter. They may witness Nature as it rises from stasis, surging forth with renewed vigor. Satanists find it fulfilling to luxuriate in vital, carnal existence, embracing the majestic cycles of our precious, fragile island in space. Our cognizance invokes humbling respect as we […]
From our garden here at The Black House—pictured is the thriving smoke tree planted in tribute to Magister Joe Netherworld—we offer Solstice greetings to all in harmony with the Earth’s seasonal changes! In the Northern Hemisphere we embrace the longest day of the year as sultry Summer begins. Those in the Southern Hemisphere mark the longest night as Winter begins its gelid dominion. Wherever on this wondrous planet you might be, it is always a delight to celebrate the glories of nature and the abundant pleasures that life offers! Here’s to a splendid new season filled with indulgences galore! Beethoven‘s […]
The Winter Solstice is again upon we denizens of the Northern Hemisphere. Nature’s power is awesome, always to be respected, and as our days begin to lengthen, the gelid outdoors contrast with our toasty indoor spaces here at The Black House in the Haunted Hudson Valley. Ralph Vaughan Williams scored the film SCOTT OF THE ANTARCTIC in 1948, which told the tragic tale of Scott’s failed Terra Nova expedition to reach the South Pole. RVW fashioned passages from this music into his Symphony No. 7 “Sinfonia Antartica” which was completed in 1952. Its five movements offer a sweeping aural rendition of […]
For Satanists, our carnal religion celebrates every day as Earth Day. We cherish and protect our wondrous home world, with all of its beauties and terrors, and invite you to do the same. If possible, go out of doors and partake of the splendors of Nature—of which you are a vibrant participant! Some musical suggestions to enhance this day: Beethoven’s “Pastorale” Symphony No. 6 presents this brilliant composer’s reactions to Nature—and the first movement’s repetitive use of motivic material is perhaps a precursor to minimalism! Icelandic composer Jon Leifs conjured the sound of a local volcanic eruption in Hekla, which […]