The Devil’s Mischief #644 Hop in the time machine with Bill M. for a 1970s HALLOWEEN NOVELTY special! The Devil’s Mischief turns focus from comedy to novelty with a unique selection of 13 Halloween-fitting songs from the 1970s, plus vintage TV commercials, horror movie trailers, and more! Did the decade have its own sub-genre of Halloween rock? Listen and decide! Stream The Devil’s Mischief #644. Download The Devil’s Mischief #644.
Halloween is a favored holiday for many, and it has long been a cherished occasion for we Satanists. We enjoy it as a time for viewing favorite darkly evocative films—the immortal monsters Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man as presented by Universal or Hammer are de rigueur. The classic ghosts depicted in THE HAUNTING, THE DEVIL’S BACKBONE, and THE INNOCENTS offer delicious seasonal frissons. And those magic lantern shows of diablerie, ROSEMARY’S BABY, NIGHT OF THE DEMON, and THE DEVIL’S RAIN warm our infernal hearts. This time of year offers the thrill of “fun fear,” when one partakes of local “haunted […]
We take a step into Greek mythology with the Escapologist as she recounts the tale of Phaethon, son of Helios. An immature boy the young Phaethon gets himself into a wager that he cannot back out of which in turn puts the very existence of the earth and Olympus at peril.
NEW EPISODE! Myths, Legends and Monsters – Changelings Get ready for the chill of winter as The Escapologist discusses Changelings, their origins in culture and their use as a scapegoat to deal with malformed or disabled children. She also reads the Brothers Grimm tale on the subject and Pickman’s Model by H.P. Lovecraft.
Sit down again with the Escapologist as she discusses the origins of the werewolf myth—how it differs from Lycanthropy and its links to the witch trials. She tells the tale of Peter Stumpp and of Rougarou in Cajun folklore. Myths, Legends and Monsters – The Big Bad Wolf
Halloween is a favored holiday for many Satanists. We enjoy it as a time for viewing favorite spooky films—the immortal monsters Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man often as presented by Universal or Hammer, or some of the ghostly classics such as THE HAUNTING, THE DEVIL’S BACKBONE, THE INNOCENTS. It may serve as the night one evokes the thrill of “fun fear” by experiencing local “haunted attractions,” be they darkly majestic or simply cobbled together with a sense of spooky fun. It has long been an occasion for wearing masks and costumes that might be sinister, amusing, heroic, or seductive—diabolically revealing […]
Join us for another exciting LIVE show! Sunday, Sep 04 @ 4pm MST Tune in live Sunday, September 4th at 4pm MST for Third Side with hosts John H Shaw and Adam P Campbell. The guest and topic will be revealed at the top of the show. We will be interacting with the audience through the live chat on our YouTube livestream throughout the broadcast. Join us and contribute to the show! Last Week on Third Side: 21 August, LI A.S. with Hosts John H Shaw & Adam P Campbell. The featured Guest was Peter H. Gilmore. It was our […]