Carnival Wax is known for crafting exquisite scents infusing hand-made perfumes, candles, and soaps. Now reviving the scent “Nadramia,” named after the High Priestess of the Church of Satan, Magistra Peggy Nadramia. It is described thusly: Exquisite Temple Incense “A profane church of carnal indulgence” Order yours now!
magistra peggy nadramia
Today we’re celebrating the birth of our founder, Anton Szandor LaVey. I’m currently working my way through an archive project that will eventually preserve and document the history of the Church of Satan, which is inextricably linked with the life story of Dr. LaVey. Like many of us, he had some lousy birthdays, some lonely ones, but most of them were pretty good; as he taught the rest of us so well, the best thing to celebrate in life is yourself. Anton LaVey’s well-kept tradition is confirmed by the number of people who remembered his birthday. Every April, dozens and […]
The Surprisingly Sensible Way The Church Of Satan Views Death Refinery29 spoke to Magistra Peggy Nadramia on views on death, funerals, and our disbelief of an afterlife as part of their Death Week series of articles. Sara Coughlin also cites Magus Peter H. Gilmore’s Satanic Scriptures and the study “How Satanists see death”.
No Honors In False Equality If everyone doesn’t get to wear a little white stole, no one can. Because hurt feelings and such. I wonder if they will still have any sort of class rankings in schools anymore. “Whelp. Can’t have a valedictorian or salutatorian any more because the other students will feel bad because it’s not them." It’s been many years since I graduated high school and I remember it being a big academic competition (amongst us nerds, at least). School administrators are really setting kids up for failure in the real world, and this is part of why […]
FORBIDDEN GOSPELS: THE DEVIL’S CUT This book contains extremely explicit, graphic content. Duet for the Devil was published October 1, 2000, by Necro Publications. Before that, bits and pieces of the unruly opus were published in various small-press magazines and indie journals, often in somewhat different forms. By the time the novel made it between hard covers, its length had been considerably shortened. Some significant characters were lost altogether as their scenes got the ax. Subsequently, much of the “lost” segments from Duet for the Devil were published by Jasmine Sailing as The Forbidden Gospels of Man-Cruel Volumes I & […]
9sense – Walpurgisnacht L A.S., Satanic Witch Special 9sense host Jessie or I Dream of Jessie, sits down with Magistra Peggy Nadramia, The High Priestess of the Church of Satan, Witch Zaftig of Unorthodoxy with Witch Zaftig, and Erin Cassavaugh from Down to the Crossroads for an intimate and informative conversation about The Satanic Witch. They discuss the relevancy of The Satanic Witch today, fashion, decorating even forward men. Tune in and learn just what it means to be a Satanic Witch from four of the wickedest on the block. Happy Walpurgisnacht!Hail Satan! —Reverend Adam P. Campbell
While talking heads are raising eyebrows and outrage at religious fanaticism abroad, let’s not forget the real danger of delusional religiosity in the homeland. —Reverend Raul Antony & Magistra Peggy Nadramia
Satanists already know the true nature of Man; his deep, dark secrets are actually worn on his sleeve. A Satanist’s horns, on the other hand, are well-hidden. —Magistra Peggy Nadramia